Chapter 24:Kai's Gift

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Aichi noticed that since he turned back to normal Kai was sad. He wanted to cheer up his husband but couldn't think of anything. Aichi began the search. Late at night while Kai was asleep Aichi would sneak out of the house and go to look at different stores. He asked the owners of the store what kind of merchandise they sold trying to find one that peaked his interest. Aichi would return about 5:00am every morning returning to bed with Kai knowing that in one hour Kai would be up. Aichi set an alarm for 8:00am, that way he could get ready to search some more. Aichi searched and searched for days to come, eventually getting a job. This made Kai a little curious and concerned for his lover's health. The only thing that kept Kai from stopping him was that Aichi got a "good night's sleep". Aichi hated that he hide the truth of his whereabouts from Kai it made him feel guilty but in order for Aichi to make him happy he has to find the perfect gift. Aichi knew Kai was worried but he still had to find that gift. One night while Aichi was out he was walking on the streets looking through Windows when he suddenly bumped into someone. Aichi quickly got up and apologized "I'm sorry!" The person laughed "Well Aichi you haven't changed a bit!" Aichi looked up surprised it was one of his old bullies from school "Hmm how about me and you go somewhere tonight?" Aichi looked down then back up "I'm sorry but I already am with someone and I love them to death. The only reason I'm out here and not with them is to get them a gift." The Bully sighed "That's right your with that Kai Toshiki guy right?" Aichi nodded "Oh well I tried going the easy way." Aichi was confused until suddenly a bag was slung over his head and he was being dragged away. Not to the bullies notice a certain lavender haired girl saw the whole thing from the Card Capital window. It only took her three seconds to call everyone but Kai to the shop "Everyone Aichi's been kidnapped by some random guy." Everyone was shocked "So where's Kai?" Misaki sighed "Well you see here he's been sad lately so Aichi was secretly trying to find him a gift. To Kai's unknowing Aichi would go out not only in the day but at night to. So in order for us to keep Kai from total depression we have to keep this a secret." Everyone nodded "Ok and also no one tells Aichian, Miwa, or anyone else about this you hear." Everyone nodded again pleased Misaki let them begin their search only to find a note on the card capital door. Ren picked it up and read it:
Dear my Friends,
I have been kidnapped by one of my old bullies he said he wants to make me his and that I have no choice to go or he'll harm Kai-kun. Please to not worry Kai-kun about my whereabouts tell him I'm working. Here's a box right below this note. It holds a small kitten with blue fur. This is Kai-kun's present, my kidnapper only after dragging me away allowed me to get Kai's Gift and write this note. Please give it to him and apologize for me not being there, there is more than just a kitten in there so please be careful. I hope you do as I ask for Kai-kun doesn't need to worry about me he should try to be happy.
From your dear friend,
Aichi Sendou
Everyone wide eyes when they heard Misaki read the note. They quickly found the box and decided who would take it. They finally decided on Ren. Ren quickly took the box and headed for Aichi and Kai's apartment. When he arrived he knew he was chosen for a reason. Everyone even Misaki knew that he could tell Kai what happened to his dear Aichi, especially seens how he was the one to help tell him the first time Aichi disappeared. Ren finally knocked on the door and waited for Kai to respond. After what seemed like ages Kai finally opened the door "What do you want?" Ren smiled "Well excuse me Mr.Sourpants but here's a gift from your beloved Aichi he had to "work late" tonight." Kai sighed but soon turned in to a curious person when he recognized Ren's sarcasm "Ren is there something wrong" Before Kai could get an answer Ren shoved Kai and himself into the apartment and closed the door "Kai please sir down now I'm going to tell you the truth." Kai sat down with eye brows raised, but he let Ren begin "Your beloved Aichi really cares about you and loves you dearly. For the last three weeks he's been searching day and NIGHT to find you the perfect gift to make you happy. In doing so tonight when he was Finally going to achieve that goal he was kidnapped by one of his old bullies. The Bully allowed him to write a farewell note and get your gift. Here's the note Aichi gave us." Kai shocked read the note and began to cry "I'm sorry Kai but there's more. He left you a note to on top of the box. Kai picked it up only to read:
Dear Kai-kun,
I've loved you since the day we met. I've watched you from afar only to later become more than just your admiring fan to your lover. They day you asked me to be yours was the happiest day of my life. I know that I'm not hear to give you this myself and I'm pretty sure Ren's told you the truth about my whereabouts and how I need rescuing and such. But the truth is that as long as your happy I don't need rescuing. I don't need to be saved because as long as your happy I'm happy no matter what. I'm sorry I lied about having a good night sleep and going out for different things, but I just had to see your perfect smile. Sadly I won't get to see it now, but just no not to worry I love you and hope that your happy with my gift.
Your love,
Aichi Sendou
Kai began to cry as he put down the note tears streaming from his face. How was he supposed to be happy when the only thing that made him happy had disappeared. Kai was confused and scan over both notes again and realizes that since Aichi returned back to normal he was acting sad and gloomy, probably worrying Aichi. Kai sighed as he realized that he made Aichi feel he was in happy. Kai quickly opened th box only to find a small Kitten that looked like Aichi, a picture if his and Aichi's first meeting, a poster if their team, and a beautiful painted picture of Kai himself. He turned the picture around to find Aichi had written him a poem. Kai cried more and more as he looked at all the stuff "He really does know me well. We have to find him NOW!" Ren nodded "So your going against Aichi's wishes?" Kai shook his head "No I'm following them. He said that as long as I'm happy he doesn't need rescuing but with out him I could never ever be happy. Let's go!"

Hey guys hope you liked the chapter. Stay tuned to find out what happens next. Will Kai find Aichi? If he does what happens to the bully? Will Aichi be okay? Will he be mad or happy of his rescuing find out soon in the next chapter. Until next time. Bye bye.

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