Chapter 18: The Announcement

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As the sun rose Kai and Aichi turned to greet each other with smiling faces. Aichi was the first to get up and walk to the kitchen. Kai soon followed as he smelled Aichi making breakfast. Aichi smiled as he got breakfast set up. He had toast in the toaster, pancakes on the griddle, bacon and eggs on the stove, and finally some blueberry muffins baking in the oven. Kai smiled as he watched Aichi work hard to make them breakfast. Soon Kai heard Aichi's phone ring, he quickly walked over and snuck up on Aichi. He gently wrapped his arms around Aichi and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Good morning my little blueberry." Aichi blushed as he felt Kai's presence, but soon turned back to the phone call he has gotten "Good morning Kai-kun! Sorry but I need to take this phone call." Kai instantly frowned as Aichi walked out the room. Kai suddenly had an idea pop into his head 'what if Aichi was cheating on him?' Kai frowned "Who could it possibly be?" Aichi was confused at Kai's out burst. He had just gotten off the phone with Aichian, she told him about Ren and Misaki's announcement. Aichi walked up to Kai and gently stroked his hair "What's wrong Kai-kun?" Kai turned to Aichi and glared "Who was on the phone and why were you so secretive?" Aichi was nervous but was determined to find out what was wrong with Kai "Well it was Aichian on the phone and she was telling me about Ren and Misaki having an announcement today. And the reason I was beginning so 'Secretive' was because I couldn't have focused on the phone call. I would have been more focused on you." Kai sighed "Oh. I thought you were on the phone with someone else and that you were cheating on me." Aichi was now the one glaring "Kai-kun on our wedding I told you that I would love tell death do us part and I meant that! I would never cheat on you! Especially seens how no one in this world could ever treat me, love me, make me blush, make me fall in love over and over again, and making me feel as special as you do! Now please never think that and trust me some." Kai looked at Aichi crying "You really think all of that?" Aichi smiled " Of course! After all you are MY Kai-kun and NO ONE else's." Kai hugged Aichi and Aichi hugged him back "I love you Kai-kun." "I love you too Aichi or should I say my little blueberry." Aichi blushed and ran into the kitchen to check on breakfast. Kai sat down at the table while Aichi brought out the food. Kai smiled as he looked at Aichi's hard work. His smile grew as the blueberry muffins were sat down on the table "Awww my blueberry made me some blueberry muffins." Aichi blushed "Well~ I know how much you love blueberries so I made you some blueberry muffins." Kai smirked "But your the only real blueberry that makes me satisfied." Aichi's blush grew as he sat down at the table, and started to hand out the food. After breakfast Kai and Aichi decided to go for a walk around town. As they were walking they came across the building where the announcement was to be held. They decided to walk inside and check up on Aichian. The two saw Ren and Misaki setting up chairs and offered to help. Misaki and Ren smiled as they took the help from Aichi and Kai. After everything was finally settled up Aichi saw Aichian walk out with Miwa. He smiled and went to give her a hug "Hey sis!" Aichian smiled "Hey Aichi!" Kai smirked "Look who finally decided to show up when all the work is done." Miwa laughed "But you all did such a good job you didn't need us." Kai grinned "Your right, besides you two look like you had more important things to do." Miwa smirked "Your exactly right." After Miwa and Kai finished their conversation everyone laughed and got into their places. Soon the show began and the seats were all full. Aichian walked out on stage and began the announcement "Friends and Family we are here to join to couples together. For Misaki Tokura and Ren Suzugamuri have broken up due to loving someone else. So would you please step up....." . After she was finished Misaki followed by Ren walked up to the mic "Asaka" "Leon". Asaka and Leon walked up to the stage and faced Ren and Asaka. Asaka looked at Ren and Leon looked at Misaki. Aichian and Miwa switched the two to their right partner. The two were shocked, but soon happiness grew on their faces. Ren and Misaki both shouted in perfect unison "Will you please be our girlfriend/boyfriend?!" Asaka and Leon smiled "Yes!" As the two joined Aichi saw Miwa walk off stage soon followed by Aichian running after him. Aichi got worried and told Kai what he saw. Both him and Kai got up and walked backstage. They kept their distance as they hid from the couple. All Aichi and Kai could do was watch for they couldn't hear a thing. After a while of watching Aichi and Kai saw the couple kiss and then walk back to the side of the stage. Kai and Aichi smiled as they knew the couple was once again happy. The two of them kissed out of pure joy then ran back to their seats. After that everything was over and Aichi and Kai decided to go get some food. They decided to go eat at one of their favorite restaurants 'Olive Garden'. As they walked in a waitress quickly sat them down and grabbed their drinks. Aichi looked at the waitress and noticed something oddly familiar about her. He looked at her name tag and new exactly who she was "Kenzie?" Kenzie smiled "Oh! Aichi and Kai?" Aichi nodded "Nice to see you again how are you?" Kenzie smiled "I'm doing great! We'll seens how I'm your waitress you two won't have to worry about anyone flirting. Especially you Kai. Plus Levi is the bartender here and would kill anyone who flirted with me, so it looks like we're all on the same boat. Anyway what can I get y'all?" Aichi looked at the menu "Can I please have the Chicken Alfredo?" Kenzie nodded then turned to Kai. Kai looked at the menu for a moment then turned to Kenzie "I'll take the lasagna" Kenzie nodded then walked off to give their orders to the chef. After they get their food Kai and Aichi have a wonderful night talking and enjoying each other's company without having to worry about a waitress flirting with them. After dinner the two decided to head home and watch some TV. As soon as they got home Kai made popcorn and both him and Aichi sat down on the couch and watched Markiplier as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Soooooooooo sorry for the late update. I've sort of been busy lately and have been really distracted. I really am truly sorry. And I thank everyone who has followed the story so far and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll try to update a lot this week. But I really am sorry. Anyway I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye bye.

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