Chapter 3: The Beautiful City Paris

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After leaving the hotel they headed straight for the museums. When they got to the first museum it was full of famous paintings drawn by famous artist. Aichi loved looking at all the paintings. One particular painting caught his eye and he started running towards it. Kai saw Aichi run and ran after him. When Kai saw Aichi stopped at a particular painting he smiled "Is this your favorite." Aichi smiled "YES!!!". The painting was a picture of Blaster Blade, Dragonic Overlord, Kai, and Aichi. Aichi smiled "It's us, with our avatars Kai-kun." Kai smiled "Yep it sure is. Want to take a picture? Aichi smiled "Yes." Kai and Aichi took out their phones and took a picture. After they finished taking a picture they decided to go to another museum. The next museum was a music museum. Aichi loved all the different sounds that the museum had to offer. Kai loved all of them, but is favorite was a CD with the cover that said "Fate Breaker." Kai smiled and walked over to it. Aichi saw Kai walk over to a CD case and walked over to see what caught his loves eye. When Aichi got beside Kai he looked at the cover of the CD and his mouth dropped "Kai that's our album and our songs. Are we like famous here?" Kai looked at Aichi and smiled "Yes, and I guess so." Aichi smiled "Well if were famous here can I do something publicly.?" Kai smiled "Sure." Aichi smiled and leaned into Kai and gave him a kiss. Almost everyone around them recognized them and screamed (in a fangirlish way). Aichi smiled as he backed away from Kai "There now everyone knows." Kai smiled "You sneaky little boy. I love you." Aichi hugged Kai "I love you more." Kai shook his head "No I love you more." Aichi shook his head "No I love you more." Kai looked down at Aichi "How about we're even ok." Aichi smiled "Ok." While Aichi and Kai were talking a male walked up to them "Can I just say it's an honer to meet you two. My name is Adam and I have shipped you two for so long. I can't believe it happened." Aichi smiled "It's nice to meet a fan, and glad you ship me and Kai together. I love him to death. Oh would you like me to do anything for you.?" Adam smiled "Can y'all sign my shirt.?" Aichi and Kai smiled "Sure." After Kai and Aichi signed all their fans t-shirts, books, albums, and pictures they headed for the last museum for today. Their last choice for the museums was the Vanguard museum. They walked in and couldn't believe their eyes. As soon as they walked in millions of people crowded them and asked for their autographs, them to look at their decks, card fight them, and sing for them. Kai and Aichi were happy to have so many fans. They did almost everything their friends asked and soon left after they finished. After they left the museum they went to the Eiffel tower to watch the sunset. While they were watching the sunset Aichi leaned his head on Kai's shoulder. After the sun full set they headed for a fancy restaurant. When they got to the restaurant they looked at the sign it read 'The Fine Dinning'. Aichi smiled and looked at Kai "Let's go eat I'm starving." Kai shook his head in agreement. They walked in and smiled. The restaurant wasn't to fancy, but wasn't to plain either. They loved all the little decorations and stuff. A server came up to Aichi and Kai and asked "Are y'all joining us today?" Aichi smiled "Yes." the server smiled "Well then will please follow me?" Aichi and Kai nodded their heads and followed the server. When they got to a table for two she stopped "May I ask is their anyone else y'all are expecting?" Aichi smiled "No ma'am this is fine." She smiled and sat down their menus "Ok then, I'll be your server tonight my name is Cindy. Now what can I get you to gentlemen tonight?" Aichi smiled "May I have a sweet tea with an espresso on the side.?" Cindy smiled "Sure thing what can I get for you sir.?" Kai looked up at the server "May I have the same thing as him except for a water instead of sweet tea.?" Cindy smiled "Sure thing, Now if you'll please wait I'll be back with your drinks.?" Aichi and Kai nodded and Cindy left. When Cindy came back with their drinks she asked "Ok have y'all decided what y'all would like or do you need a few more moments." Aichi and Kai looked at each other and then said in unison "No we're good." Cindy smiled "Ok then what shall y'all have?" Aichi looked at Kai and Kai a=said "You can go first." Aichi smiled and looked at Cindy "Can I have the Lasagna with a Chicken Alfredo on the side?" Cindy looked at Aichi and smiled "Sure thing, now you sir.?" Kai looked at Cindy and said "Can I have the Chicken Alfredo with a Broccoli and Cheese Soup on the side?" Cindy smiled at Kai "Sure thing, I'll be right back with your food." After about 20 to 30 minutes of waiting Cindy brought their food. She sat them down nice and gently on the table. Kai and Aichi eyed their food and smiled. Aichi looked at Cindy "Thank you so much." Cindy smiled "Your welcome is their anything else I can get y'all?" Aichi smiled "Can I have some cake and ice cream please.?" Kai looked at Aichi and before Cindy could answer Kai said "No it'll ruin your dinner. Maybe you can have it after." Aichi started pouting "But I want cake and ice cream Kai-kun." Kai smiled "No not until you eat your supper then you can have it. And quiet looking so cute all the time." Aichi pouted "I'm not cute, and even if I was I can't help it." Kai smiled and looked at Cindy "Can you make that a double please, and tell them to wait until you come back and say it's okay to fix it." Cindy smiled and winked at Kai "Sure thing." Kai smiled and then went back to eating his food. Aichi on the other hand got a little jealous and ate his food slowly. After Aichi finished his whole plate Kai called for Cindy "May I have those ice cream and cakes now.? Oh and the check please.?" Cindy smiled "Sure I'll be right back." with that Cindy grabbed the ice cream and cake along with the check. She handed the check to Kai and laid down one cake and one ice cream in front of each of them. Kai smiled and gave his to Aichi who was still very jealous, but didn't show it. Aichi quickly at all the sweets and left the restaurant leaving a confused Kai. Kai paid the check and quickly ran after Aichi. Kai started freaking when e couldn't find him, until he came across....

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