Chapter 12: The Ride Home

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After boarding the plane Aichi and Kai sat down beside each other. Aichi didn't want to sit in a seat so he crawled into Kai's lap. Kai smiled as he watched Aichi crawl into his lap. Aichi looked up at Kai and smiled "Hey Kai-kun." Kai looked at Aichi "Hmm?" Aichi put a hand on Kai's face "Do you think when we get home that we can go visit Aichian at the Tasunagi Building? I really want to see her." Kai smiled "Sure, but here's my question. Can I call her sis?" Aichi smiled "Of course you can! After all you are her brother." Kai smiled and wrapped his arms around Aichi. Aichi giggled as he felt Kai's warm breath tickling his neck. Everyone around actually enjoyed watching the two. At first Aichi and Kai thought it was weird, but eventually gave up. For the longest time Kai was playing with Aichi's hair. Aichi smiled as he felt tingling go up and down his spine. He looked through his deck while Kai was playing with his hair. Aichi smiled as he looked back at Kai "Can I borrow your deck please." Kai was confused "Why?" Aichi looked at Kai reassuringly "I just want to look at something." Kai watched as Aichi looked through his deck and took out Dragonic Overlord. He saw Aichi go through his own deck and pull out Soul Saber Dragon. Aichi looked at Kai with the most warming smile ever "You see Kai-kun Dragonic Overlord and Soul Saber Dragon are both dragons like we are both humans, but their different kinds of dragons. One is a flame dragon that is mean and wants to burn the world to ash (Dragonic Overlord), and the other is a light dragon that wants to bring life and peace to the world. They are both different just like me and you yet when you combine them into one you get something amazing. Like when Blaster Blade and Blaster Dark combined to make Majesty Lord Blaster." Kai was a little confused "Ok?" Aichi looked back down at the cards "What I'm trying to say is even though we're different we became one and made something great, just like the units on Cray." Kai smiled "Well aren't you just great with words, my sweet little blueberry." Aichi smiled he liked that Kai gave him a nickname. He always wanted Kai to give him a nickname, but Kai use to ignore him and basically pay him no attention. After awhile of being ignored Aichi fell into Physicalia ,and became someone other than the Aichi we all know and love today. Kai was sad that he lost Aichi to Physicalia. When he got him back and figured out why he turned to Kai promised he would never leave Aichi's side again. Aichi smiled when he saw Kai deep in his thoughts. He tapped on his shoulder a couple of times. Kai snapped out of his thoughts and back to reality "Uh what'd you say Aichi? I'm sorry I wasn't listening." Aichi looked at Kai with concern clear in his eyes "I said what are you thinking about." Kai looked at Aichi and softened his eyes "I was thinking about when you fell into Physicalia that time. It was all because I was to much of a jerk to pay you any attention." Aichi's eyes followed Kai's and softened "If your going to think about the past at least think of good memories. I'd hate for my Kai-kun to get all sad and start crying." Kai took Aichi's hand and placed it on his cheek "I just couldn't help it. I mean I thought of how happy I was when I gave you your nickname and how much time we spent together, and then all of a sudden that image of you having Physicalia." Aichi put his other hand on Kai's other cheek "Well look at me does it look like I'm in the darkness of Physicalia?" Kai looked at Aichi's eyes "No." Aichi put his head on Kai's shoulder and whispered in his ear "Ok then. I'm always here for Kai-kun. Or should I say Toshiki." Kai's eyes opened wide when he heard his first name come out of Aichi's mouth. He didn't know what to think. He felt happy when Aichi said it, yet he wanted Aichi to call him his cute little nickname 'Kai-kun'. Kai decided he'd let it go and enjoy Aichi in his arms.

Ok that's the end of the chapter I hope you enjoy. I can't wait for the next one. So see you in the next chapter. Bye bye.

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