Chapter 2: The Hotel

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After Kai and Aichi got off the plain they headed for the hotel. When they got to the hotel they checked in and headed for their room when they got into their room Aichi's mouth dropped he couldn't believe Kai got such a big room. Kai smiled as he watched Aichi look around the room in aww. Aichi looked around and finally came back to a smiling Kai who said "Do you like it.?" Aichi smiled "Yes, but this looks really expensive Kai." Kai smiled and laid down on the bed "Oh well as long as your happy I'm fine with spending money." Aichi blushed " Ok Kai, just don't spend to much on me I still want to buy our apartment back in Japan. Kai smiled "Ok, Aichi just stop worrying and come lay down." Aichi sighed and went to lay down beside Kai. After sometime Aichi cuddled into Kai and feel asleep. Kai smiled as Aichi feel asleep and decided to go to sleep along with him. After a while Aichi woke up and saw Kai sleeping and decided to look around the hotel. Aichi slipped out of Kai's grip and headed straight for the room door. Aichi smiled as he saw all the pretty decorations of the hotel. Aichi couldn't help, but look around some more. While Aichi was looking around Kai woke up. Kai looked down expecting to see a sleeping Aichi, but instead he saw nothing but the mattress. Kai started freaking out wondering what happened to his Aichi. Kai got up and decided to head for the front desk. When he got their he saw a female receptionist flirting with Aichi. Kai immediately got mad (Jealous) he walked over to them and grabbed Aichi's hand "So what are we talking about." Aichi smiled "Kai-kun your awake. We were talking about how pretty this place is. Then I asked how much a room cost." Aichi glared at Kai "You mean you spent $400 dollars for a room.!" Kai smiled "Yep." Aichi pouted "But you didn't have to do that Kai-kun." Kai's smile grew "As long as your happy I'll spend any amount of money. K." Aichi was still pouting and hugged Kai "You don't always have to please me. Sometimes you can please yourself." Kai smiled "How I please myself is seeing that smile on your face, watching your determination, and seeing you being cute." Aichi hugged Kai and smiled "I'm not cute." Kai looked down "Yes you are." The receptionist spoke up "Are you two brothers?" Kai smiled at the receptionist "Nope, we're married." The receptionist was shocked "Really well happy to here. Y'all do look like y'all belong together, but if you every lose this cute little thing I'll take him." Aichi smiled "No offence Ms...." the receptionist smiled "Oh my name is Ashley." Aichi smiled "Thank you Ashley. No offence, but he'll never lose me." Kai looked at Aichi and smiled "Really even though I'm a complete butthole." Aichi smiled "Yep." Kai leaned down and kissed Aichi. Aichi kissed him back and after it ended they headed back to their room to decide where their going first. Aichi said "How about we go to the museums first, then at sunset go to the Eiffel tower and watch the sunset. Then after that we can go eat dinner in a fancy restaurant. With that they set off.

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