Chapter 27: The Untold Promise

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As the party carried on everyone ended up spending the night at Card Capital 2. Aichian was the first up and already outside waiting for the sunset.  It took a couple of hours until it was finally happening she suddenly heard the door behind her open revealing Aichi. Aichi had not long awoken after his sister. He would always love watching the sunrise and it held a special promise that he had to keep. Aichi looked out the clear door to see his sister standing in front of it staring at the sky. He decided to walk up behind her "So I'm not the only one who enjoys the sunset I see?" Aichian smiled "Yeah well it's so beautiful. Remember the promise we made over it?" Aichi smiled at the memory "Yeah...."
Aichi sat on the balcony in his sister's room as the sun began to rise. His sister was always up early with him watching the sunrise. The two enjoyed the time spent together, but this time it was different a change was coming. Aichian, Aichi's older sister, was moving far away to America. Both were heart broken looking saddened at the fact given to them. Aichi turned to his sister "Hey Aichian?" Aichian turned to her brother with sad eyes "Yes Aichi?" Aichi frowned " you think we can make a promise? A promise to always watch the sunrise even when apart so that we can be connected by that moment each and everyday? That way when we do see each other again we can look back on these times." Aichian light up with joy "I would love that Aichi!" Aichi smile brightened as the two hugged.
End of Flashback
Aichian snapped her fingers for the third time "Hello Earth to Aichi?" Aichi shook his head "Sorry, just had a memory return." Aichian smiled "So you saw it too? The time we made the promise that is?" Aichi nodded "Yeah...." Aichi began to cry as he looked into his sister's eyes "I've a-always wondered i-if yo-you actually did it or not?" Aichi looked at her brother while whipping a fallen tear "Of course I did and by the sound of it you did too." Aichi nodded "Yeah...but I couldn't help but wonder what pain and suffering was brought to you during our seperarion?" Aichian sighed and walked with her brother to the park as she held him close trying to keep his tears from falling "Well to start off I'd always think about you day and night. Wanting to share my experiences with you and living a life with you. Often I'd cry realizing it wasn't true, eventually hiding it from everyone including dad. As I got older I'd often beg dad to come back but his answer was always the same, just a simple "Not until your older." Or "Wait until your older. Be patient." I eventually lost all hope except for when I'd look at the sunrise. It wasn't until later on dad finally agreed to bring me back to Japan. I was happy yet worried you wouldn't remember me so I often would have mental arguments with myself. Well that's pretty much it in a nut shell." Aichi looked at his sister then turned to the ground "Well mine was pretty similar. I'd often wonder about you asking mom when you'd be home. She kept saying similar things like dad "When your older. Be patient Aichi." Unfortunately as time passed I just got bullied, my hope was fading. I wanted you there. I wanted your warmth and protection. I wanted to share my happy experiences. But all that shattered as more time passed the only thing that made me smile was the sunset all hope was gone. I eventually faded into depression. But all that changed when I made friends almost everyone thought the depression was from bullying, but I never told them it was because I lost my older sister. Often, even with my friends, I'd have nightmares about you and I never seeing each other or ending with one of us dead. It only got worse when I started wondering if you'd forget the promise or forget me. Mine was just as hard as yours but I'm glad that now I finally get to share it with you and get it off my chest." Aichian smiled "Me too. Question, did you ever tell anyone about our promise?" Aichi shook his head "Nope not even mom. You?" Aichian shook her head "Same here I just couldn't tell anyone, it didn't feel right too." Aichi and Aichian laughed as they realized how crazy their lives were. All the sudden their laughter was interrupted by two angry voices that we're oddly familiar "DO YOU TWO REALIZE HOW MUCH WORRIE YOU CAUSED TO US!!! WHAT IF YOU WERE KIDNAPPED OR KILLED!!! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION!!! NOW EXPLAIN TO US WHY YOUR OUT HERE SO EARLY!!! NOW!!!" Aichi and Aichian turned around shocked at the two's out burst. Aichi and Aichian couldn't believe they were being yelled at by not only familiar people but Kai and Miwa ,their loved ones, Aichi and Aichian grew daggers in their eyes looking at the two. Kai and Miwa realized by the looks on Aichi and Aichian's faced that they had screwed up and quickly turned to apologize "We're sorry we shouldn't have yelled." Aichi and Aichian both lowered their heads in unison "We're sorry too. We should have told you where we were." Kai and Miwa looked at each other and then hugged the two adorable blueberries "Awww it's okay. But please explain why your out here?" Aichian and Aichi sighed knowing it was time to reveal and untold promise "Well we made a promise as kids. After finding out about our seperation. We promised to watch the sunrise and remember the other so we could stay connected." Kai and Miwa looked at each other and shared an expression of sadness and understanding, turning around to leave until two hands grabbed their own. "We think it's time we change that promise. How about we ALL promise to watch the sunset to make sure no matter where we are we all will remember the other, always loving and holding onto them dearly, for their memory will always love on inside the other?" Everyone nodded as the sun finished rising, loving every second of it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry for the long wait but here it is. I'm so happy to have all of you read and ejoy my books. Please if you want to check out my other ones. My story called 'Random Crap' now has a spot for ship request for a bunch of One-Shots. Oh and don't forget to check out QueenBlaster3, SylveonPink, kaitou16, toshikikaifangirl, and many more of my friends on Wattpad I love all they're books and they're great writers. If you love yoai as much as I do don't you'll love they're books. If you don't like yoai then they also have books for you as well. Until next time, please enjoy. Bye bye.

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