Chapter 7: Aichian's Past

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I'm sorry I got distracted by the stuff that's been going on in my life and forgot to write. So in order to make up for that I will be writing two chapters today.

After Aichi and Kai got a good night's sleep Scott asked them if they would like to learn Aichian's past life here in America. They agreed and Scott started by bringing them to her old highschool "Ah here we go Aichian's old highschool. You know she used to be the most popular one at this place besides of Scarlet." Aichi's jaw dropped "Wow, I always use to get beat up at my school." Scott looked at Aichi "But that's changed right?" Aichi smiled "Yeah thanks to Kai and my friends I'm safe now." Aichi put a hand over his mouth and whispered "Kai one time saw a guy bully me and he punched him in the face 7 times then did some martial arts stuff. That guy had a bad day." Scott smiled "Yeah he did. Anyway let's head on in it's time for you to see your sister's school life." Aichi smiled as he followed his father in the school. When they got in the school Aichi saw tons of people at lockers and on their cell phones. One of the guys lifted his head and noticed Scott. He ran up to Scott and smiled "Hey Mr.Scott." Scott smiled "Hey Johnathan, what's up?." Johanatha smiled "Nothing much, where's your beautiful daughter Aichian?." Scott looked at Aichi and Kai. Aichi smiled "Um Aichian's now living in Japan." Johnathan looked at Aichi "Ok, and who are you?." Aichi hid behind Kai. Kai smiled "He's Aichi, Aichian's brother and I'm Kai Aichian's brother-in-law. We also live in Japan with Aichian we just came to visit." Johnathan smiled "Oh ok, I'm sorry Aichi I didn't mean to scare you." Aichi smiled "It's fine I just used to get bullied a lot." Johnathan frowned "Oh I'm sorry man." Aichi smile grew "It's fine." Johnathan then smiled "So who in all lives in Japan that's close to Aichian?" Aichi thought for a moment "Um there's our friends, mine and Aichian's mother and sister, then there's her boyfriend. Oh and her manager, and idol group." Johnathan took a minute to take in what all he said "So let me see if this is right Aichian has friends, family, a idol group, and a boyfriend." Kai also put in "and her best friend Scarlet." Johnathan frowned "Who's the lucky guy who got her heart?" Kai smiled "He's actually my best friend Miwa, Tashi Miwa." Johnathan smiled "Well tell him he's one lucky guy, and if he ever loses her that there's a lot of guys here that'll take her." Kai smirked "Will do. Anyway can you give us a tour? We sort of want to know what Aichian's life was like here." Johnathan nodded "Sure follow me." Kai smiled as he followed Johnathan and grabbed Aichi's hand. Aichi shivered as he walked down the hall holding Kai's hand. He wanted to let go, but at the same time he wanted to hold on. Kai felt this and tapped Johnathan's shoulder. Johnathan quickly turned around and smiled "Yeah Kai, what's up?" Kai smiled "Hey can we go somewhere out of sight please. I need to explain this to you, but it's personal." Johnathan nodded as he led them to a quiet place with nobody in sight. When they stopped walking Kai let go of Aichi's hand "Ok Johnathan I'm going to explain to you how I'm Aichian's brother-in-law, but first I need you to promise me something." Johanatha nodded "Sure what is it." Kai looked at Aichi "You have to promise not to think we're weird, call us names, or run away." Johnathan was a little confused, but understood "Ok I understand. I promise I won't do any of those things." Kai smiled as he grabbed Aichi's hand "I'm Aichian's brother-in-law, because I married her brother. Aichi is my husband." Johnathan smiled "Oh that's all?" Kai looked confused "Oh I'm sorry Kai. A lot of people who I'm close with are gay. I'm used to it by now and I understand all the stuff you made me promise now." Kai smiled "That's good, but Aichi here because of his bulling years is scared to walk in the school holding my hand." Johnathan looked at Aichi and smiled "Aichi it's ok, you can hold Kai's hand. I'm the head jock of this school and no one's going to mess with you." Aichi started to calm down and smile. He looked at Kai then at Johnathan "Thank you guys, that makes me feel better."  Kai wrapped his arms around Aichi and kissed the top of his head "I'd do anything for you Aichi." Johnathan smiled "If y'all really want to know Aichian's past her I'll tell you. She was the kind of girl that was nice to everyone always smiling. She made everyone's day and almost every guy feel for her. She politely turned every one of us down, and showed us the real girl we were meant to be with. She made every teacher smile and nicer. She was so popular and her best friend Scarlet was exactly like her. Scarlet and Aichian at lunch time would combine all the tables and have everyone sit together. They used to do a little show of singing and dancing at break. I mean everyone wanted to be them or at least be close to them, but then they left without us knowing and everything changed." Aichi smiled "Don't worry Aichian didn't mean to leave like she did. She actually tried to call and tell everyone that she went on vacation to Japan, and that was her original plan until she saw how sad I was to see her go. So she decided to move to Japan and live close to her family. I mean my dad was supposed to as well, but said America is his home and he was going to stay." Johnathan's smile brightened "Wow that's great. I'm glad she didn't leave like this on purpose. Thanks for telling me Aichi." Aichi smiled "No problem. Anyway thanks for all the information and the tour. See you around. Bye Johnathan." Johanatha smiled "Bye Aichi, Kai, and Mr.Scott. See y'all around." As Aichi and Kai waved good bye they smiled and turned around. After they got back to Scott's home the went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Aichi smiled as Kai helped him dice the vegetables. Kai loved helping Aichi and couldn't help himself and kissed Aichi. Aichi smiled as he melted into the kiss. Scott walked into the kitchen then quickly walked out when he saw the scene. Aichi smiled as he saw his dad leave then turned his attention back to Kai. Kai smiled as he stopped kissing Aichi. Aichi smiled at Kai "What was that for?" Kai smiled "I couldn't help it you were to cute." Aichi blushed "Am not!" Kai smirked and leaned closer to Aichi "Are too!" Aichi blush grew "Am not!!" Kai leaned even closer to Aichi "Are too!!" Aichi was about as red as a tomato "Am not!!!" Kai was just an inch from Aichi's face "Are too!!!" After Kai said that he gave Aichi another kiss. Aichi smiled when Kai released the kiss "Ok you win I'm very cute." Kai smirked "Yep and your gonna stay that way. At least in my eyes." Aichi smiled as he set down the food on the table. Scott smirked "So how was cooking?" Aichi smiled "Great I love cooking with Kai-kun!" Scott smiled as he saw his son and son-in-law eat their dinner. After they were finished Kai and Aichi decided to take a shower. After about 20 minutes of protesting Aichi got in the shower with Kai. Kai smiled as he won the fight. After the shower and protest it was finally time for bed. Aichi jumped on the bed and waited for Kai. Kai smirked as he tickled Aichi. Eventually Kai got tired and decided he wanted to sleep. Before they were both fully asleep Aichi whispered to Kai "I like what we learned about my sister today." Kai smiled "Me too, anyway goodnight my little blueberry." Aichi smiled "Goodnight my Kai-kun." After they were fully asleep Scott closed the door and went to his own bed.

I'm so sorry I didn't update my book. I will try to update more often. Anyway hope you enjoyed. See you in the next chapter. Bye bye.

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