Chapter 26: Accompanying A Sister

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As Aichi got up the next morning he received a text from Misaki.
Misaki: Hey Aichi sorry to bother you but do you think you can keep Aichian busy so that we can set up for her party?

Aichi: Sure thing I don't mind. Plus it's no often I get to spend time with her.

Misaki: Thanks Aichi it means a lot.

Aichi: Hey what are friends for.

Misaki: Yeah just don't try anything crazy like locking yourself on the moon again.

Aichi:.............I won't

Misaki: ????

Aichi: Nevermind Misaki-san I've got this.

Misaki: Okay. Bye. See you soon.

Aichi Bye Misaki-san.

Aichi smiled at his beloved "Hey Kai-kun I have to go help Misaki-san so I'll see you at Aichian's party." Kai was confused "What party?" Aichi was surprised Misaki hadn't told Kai about the surprise party "Misaki-san was planning a surprise party for Aichian at Card Capital 2 and she told me to keep Aichian busy while they set up. I thought she told you about this." Kai shook his head "Nope haven't heard anything about this. I'll head down there and see what I can help with though." Aichi nodded and quickly gave Kai a kiss leaving to go get his sister. Aichi waited at Card Capital 1 for his sister to arrive. He smiled as he watched her walk in to "retrieve Misaki's deck for her". Aichian smiled "Oi Hey Aichi, what brings you here?" Aichi smiled cutely at his sister "I came to see you of course." Aichian was confused "How'd you know I was here?" Aichi frowned "I thought Misaki-san told you that I had a whole day planned for us." Aichian shook her head "No, she only told me to come get her deck. Oh, well I guess it wouldn't hurt if she waited a little while. I mean you did tell her of our day planned so she'll understand." Aichi brightened his smile "Yay! I've missed you so much and really wanted to hang out today." Aichian smiled "Okay then so where to first?" Aichi smiled "To the movies. We're going to go see Rampage." Aichian smiled "I've always wanted to see that movie!" Aichi nodded and dragged his sister off to the movies. After the movie ended Aichi and Aichian shouted in unison "That was a great movie!" Aichi and Aichian laughed as they realized their little moment. Aichi caught his breath and looked at Aichian "Now to the mall! We're going shopping!" Aichian jumped up and down "Yay! I love shopping with you it's always so fun!!!" Aichi smiled  "Same here." Aichi and Aichian quickly traveled to the mall. After shopping for hours and getting plenty of things Aichi took Aichian to a fancy restaurant. Aichian smiled at her brother "You really didn't have to." Aichi smiled "But I did. Let's go on in!" Aichian and Aichi sighed as they finally made it out if the restaurant. Every person who passed them flirted with the two. Aichi and Aichian knew they both had boyfriends who are very protective. Aichi smiled "We better get back to Card Captial 2." Aichian sighed "Yeah. We should do this more often." Aichi's eyes lit up "Yeah that'd be great!!!" Aichi smiled and walked with her brother to Card Capital 2. Aichi decided to tell his sister about their memories as children. Aichian laughed all the way to Card Capital 2, even when entering. Aichian was scared and surprised when everyone jumped out of their hiding spots yelling "Happy Birthday Aichian!!!" Aichian smiled "Thanks guys!" She turned to see Aichi smirking "Is that why we did all that stuff today?" Aichi shook his head and frowned a little "No I was serious that I missed our time together, but this was just a tiny part of it. Anyway Happy Birthday Aichian!!! Please enjoy your party it's your day." Aichian jumped into a huge hug with her brother whispering "I love you! Thank you so so so so much!!!" Aichi smiled and hugged her back "I love you too!" The two shared a hug then continued onto the party. The night went on and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry for the late update. I've had a lot to deal with lately, but I'm updating when I can. Anyway enjoy, until next time. Bye bye.

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