Chapter 9: Grocery Shopping

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After Kai and Aichi got in the car Scott headed for the grocery store. When they got there Aichi looked up at the sign. The sign read 'Bi-Lo' Aichi looked at his dad "How do pronounce the name of this place?" Scott smiled "You pronounce it Buy-Low." Aichi smiled "Oh ok." Scott led them into the grocery store. Aichi ran up and down the isle, while Kai chased him. Right as Aichi ran down the next isle he saw Johnathan "Oh, Hi Johnathan!" Johnathan looked at Aichi and smiled "Hey Aichi! What are you doing here?" Aichi smiled "Dad brought us here so we could go grocery shopping, but I sort of got carried away and started running up and down the isle looking at stuff. Well until I ran into you." Johnathan looked at Kai "I see, let me guess Kai was chasing you." Aichi turned around to see Kai out if breath "Oh I'm sorry Kai-kun I didn't think you followed me." Kai huffed "Really?!" Aichi bowed his head "I'm sorry." Kai stood straight up and wrapped his arms around Aichi and put his head on his shoulder "It's ok, just please stop running and walk like a normal person." Aichi nodded his head "Ok Kai-kun I'll walk." Johnathan smiled "Well I'm glad I said something. Anyway I got to go check out and get home. See you guys later. Bye." Aichi waved "Bye Johnathan." Kai waved good bye then turned to Aichi and grabbed his hand "Come on let's go and explore." Aichi put a hand on top of his forehead "Yes sir Kai-kun!." Kai ruffled Aichi's hair "Quiet playing around." Aichi giggled "But it's fun!" Kai smiled "And cute, so I guess you can continue." Aichi didn't care at all that he was called 'cute' "Yay!" Kai smiled and finished walking down the isle. Aichi got tired halfway down the second isle and asked Kai to carry him. Kai said no and Aichi gave him the puppy eyes. Kai eventually gave in and carried Aichi up and down the isles. Aichi saw Kai get tired and jumped off "Ok Kai-kun it's time for you to rest." Kai refused "I'm fine Aichi." Aichi stomped his foot "No your not, your tired. Now sit your behind down and rest. I'll sit with you. Ok Kai-kun?!" Kai smiled and sat down "Ok Aichi." Aichi was happy he won the fight (argument). Kai was so tired he fell asleep in Aichi's lap. Aichi smiled and let him sleep until he heard "I need Aichi Sendou and Toshiki Kai at the Customer Service desk please." Aichi sighed as he shook Kai awake "Kai-kun you have to wake up their calling us." Kai woke up and yawned "What Aichi?" Aichi sighed "I didn't want to wake you up but their calling us." Right after Aichi said that the lady's voice came back across the speaker "I need Toshiki Kai and Aichi Sendou to the Customer Service desk please." Aichi help Kai up and they ran towards the sign that said 'Customer Service'. Scott smiled as he saw Kai and Aichi round the corner "Ah there you guys are. I've been waiting for you guys for about an hour." Aichi smiled "Sorry Dad, we were just exploring." Scott accepted the apologie "It's fine Aichi, now let's get going." Aichi nodded his head and headed straight for the car. Kai followed slowly behind him and Scott smiled as he watched. After Scott finished putting the groceries in the car he got in the driver seat and drove home.

Ok that's the end of the chapter. Hope you liked it. I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. Anyway see you in the next chapter. Bye bye.

The Marriage Life (Book 3) [Kaichi]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora