Chapter 28: Chris' Secret

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Chris sighed in relief as Aichian and Aichi were released from their pain. He had been secretly admiring Aichian as her smile was full of joy. He hated having such a huge secret and not being able to share it with anyone. He really liked her but she was with Miwa. Oh how he would give anything to see Miwa out of the picture. He continued to stay in his thoughts, thinking long and hard about a certain blue headed girl, and how he could gain her from her blonde headed friend. Chris was so busy thinking he didnt even notice Aichian standing behind him. Aichian smiled as she tapped his shoulders. Chris, obviously surprised, jumped ten feet in the air. Due to his reaction she stepped back and lowered her head "I'm sorry Chris-sama I didnt mean to scare you..." Chris quickly shook off the shock and lifted Aichian's head "It's alright. It was my fault for being in such deep thought, I didnt even hear you walk behind me." Aichian smiled "Thanks Chris-sama that makes me feel better! But I am curious, what had you so deep in thought?" Chris stopped right in his tracks at the question. How could he tell the girl in front of him that she was the sorce of his absent mindedness? He couldn't! He couldn't let her know that he had a huge crush on her! Especially with Miwa here! Chris swallowed hard "Well you see I was thinking's stupid." Aichian looked into his eyes concerned "I'm sure it's not stupid." Chris smiled with a light blush "Oh ok, if you insist, I was thinking about psycalia and how we had to have a kiss just to stop its pain...why is that?" Aichian smiled widely "See I told you it wasn't stupid!!! That's something we've all been wondering, so dont be ashamed." Chris' smile widened as his blushed deepened. His heart skipped a beat, this is why he gained a crush on her. Her kindness, her selflessness, her smile, her voice, just everything about her and he couldn't even have her. Why did he have to fall in love with someone  who already has the one she wants? Why?...... His biggest secret was that he, Christopher Lo, had a crush on Miss Aichian Sendou, the angelic girl, who he had fallen so hard for.

I wonder what would happen if such a secret got out. What would happen to the relationships? Until Next Time.....Bye bye!!!!

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