Moonlight and shadows

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Genre: happy cute fluff fantasy world kind of stuff

Word count: 5513

Dan had never really liked the dark. But to see him him again, he would bear it. Bear anything. And anyway, it wouldn't be completely dark outside, there was always the moon. And tonight when it was full and the sky was cloudless, Dan knew he had nothing to worry about.


It was about 9pm, and Dan's flatmates were all doing separate things. Now was the perfect time to sneak out. No one would notice until he was gone.

He quietly as possible put on his shoes and pulled on a thin jacket, putting his keys in his pocket and slipping out of the door, making sure it closed with only the least audible thud possible. Time to head out to 'their place'.

Dan honestly knew of no one else who's shared place with someone special was an abandoned rooftop of an old mechanic's garage, but this was Phil. And Phil was special.

He walked along the road quickly, staring up at the sky as he went. He could see the bright white flecks of stars scattered across the dark blue canvas the moon sat on, before he smiled and went a little faster, almost daring to run. But he didn't. They had agreed on a time, and Dan would stick to it.

It was just quarter past when Dan reached the garage. He walked around to the bins at the back and jumped onto one, before climbing his way up and onto the roof, walking over to the edge and sitting there, his legs hanging off the edge, making sure he was in the light. He leant back on his forearms and tipped his head back, staring upwards again. He had always known the moon was magical, but honestly, he wouldn't have guessed it could do this from all the cliches written about it.

Then he finally heard his voice again.
"Hey," he heard a whisper from beside him. Dan turned and smiled.
"Hey Phil,"
"How was your day?" Phil asked him. "It was good, but I always prefer the nights."

Ever since they'd met, they had always started their conversations this way. Except when Dan says met, he doesn't really mean that. What actually happened was mad, unrealistic and deniable. But that was the truth.

Phil had been following him. Following him for days actually. Dan had noticed of course, and decided he wanted to know why. So he called out to him, even though he had never properly seen him.

"Excuse me? Is anyone there?" He called into the dark street, but of course, there was no answer.

The next day Dan swore he knew someone was behind him yet again, but instead of calling out, he took a different route home, passing by an old closed down garage, a few broken cars littered outside. He climbed onto the roof, and sat. Then he saw someone come up behind him.

"Hello," Dan said, as if this was a normal occurrence.
"Hi," the man replied.
"Who are you?" Dan asked.
"Phil what?"
"Just Phil, I don't have a last name,"
"How come,"
"I'm not human,"

Phil wasn't human. He was a shadow, created from the moon. Not Dan's at all, but for some reason Phil had latched onto him. He had never said why. That was why Dan couldn't see him in the dark streets. Phil needed moonlight to exist, and Dan deciding to sit on a roof had made it possible for him to appear. Only when the moon shone could Dan actually hear Phil, touch him. He was only alive when the moon was.

Dan hated cloudy days because of this. Because if there was no moonlight able to beam down to earth, it meant either no Phil, or interrupted conversations. And neither was the time he wanted to spend with this shadow.

Up close, if you got the chance, you would be able to tell Phil wasn't quite normal, despite his general human characteristics. His skin was as pale as the moon's glowing surface, shining lightly in the dark. His hair black as the sky when all it's stars are swallowed up by a veil. And his eyes were like swirling grey clouds, shimmering with blue when the light really caught them. He was dark and mysterious, but after all, he was made from moonlight.

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