My story

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Genre: Fluffy fluff

Word count: 2103

Have you ever fallen in love? Gone crashing through the clouds but have fallen into their arms, so ready to catch you? Spent every single moment thinking about them although you know they might not feel the same way? 

Some times you can tell if they like you back, whether it's by a smile, a blush, a small touch that sends sparks running through your body, and they have the same look that shows they feel it too. Things like that are magical, and if you tell people about them, they coo and tell you how sweet that is, and ask how you met and say it must have shown instantly through that that they they loved you.

But, what if you met online? If you say that, people give you a weird look, either curious or wondering what was going on in your brain. And then one of the first questions is:

'Have you met them yet?'

If you say yes, they let out a breath of relief, but then if you say no, they look confused. They don't seem to understand that love doesn't always need a physical form.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend. He's funny and smart and beautiful and I could go on. It's just our story that's a little weird.

He makes Youtube videos, you see. 'AmazingPhil' is what his name is, though I know him by many others. Phil, Philly, Lion, baby, gorgeous. The list is endless. I started watching his videos pretty much as soon as they began, commenting after each one, trying to get him to notice me.

This is what I was talking about before, thinking about them constantly even if they might not even know you feel this way, except he just didn't know I existed. And of course I was already in love with him.

Then one day after well, a few months, he made a video, reading tarot cards. He was meant to meet an energetic warrior who he would either like or loathe straight away, I don't remember the exact words. He actually sometimes calls me that, and I always blush and he tells me I'm cute and that he was so glad he met me, because he really does love me. And I love him too.

But there is more to go before that.

Shortly after that video (which I commented on of course, although he didn't respond) I got a tweet notification from him, saying something about his favourite band. I loved this band too, so I commented agreeing and I never got a reply. That made me sad, but I was used to it and later he tweeted about a tv show I also liked. So I replied again. Still nothing back, but of the fifty billion tweets I had tried sending him, I still hoped he might see it. It was the next one that something happened.

He tweeted about his favourite movie, which I also adored and he finally replied.

'You seem pretty cool Dan, we have quite a bit in common :)'

And then he followed me! I couldn't believe it. Of course some people would say I was lying, pretending to share interests with him so he would like me, but I really wasn't. Sometimes you just meet people like you.

Anyway, I was too busy screaming at my laptop that he had actually followed me and it took me 4 whole minutes before I saw he had also Direct Messaged me. Naturally I screamed again and clicked on it. It was a simple 'Hey :)' but it made my heart soar.

So that's where it started I guess.

We began chatting constantly, and I fell deeper and deeper in love with him. How could I not? He was perfect. I even opened up, told him how I felt about things, and that I didn't really like myself. I think he might have cried at that, though he didn't really say. But he did say something that changed that thought of absolute hate into something else. Gave me a glimmer of hope really.

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