The Angry God

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Jones looked outside of the Camps boarders, ever since he'd woken up it had been thundering and lighting. He wondered what Zaus was mad about now? Jones was fifteen and a Hectate kid. He kept to himself most of the time, people tended to just past him by without noticing him but Jones was fine with that, then he heard it...A scream. 

Lightning rolled by, cracking against tree and he heard sobbing. Jones who had been looking out ran to the edge of the border, was quite close anyway, without bothering to call for help, which was quite stupid in really, Jones ran towards the sound. 

" me" A weak voice came from behind him. 

Jones spun around to see a girl, lying near the borders but not quite in, a heavy log was on top of her, it was steaming at the end so Jones knew with shock that it had been lightning that had coursed the log to fall on her. 

Jones hurridly made his way to her. 

She was covered in blood and her clothes had turned to raggs. 

Then the sky rumbled and lightning forked down and it came straight at them! It missed the girl and Jones by inchis, their was no mistake in Jones mind now, the lightning was being aimed at them!

Jones knew he wouldn't be able to push the log of her, he wasn't strong enough so he called out, hoping someone would hear him as rain battered his voice as did the thunder "Someone! Help! Anyone!" 

He soothed her, noticing her breathing was coming low "Hey, hey, stay with me, whats your name?" Jones soothed her. 

She said shakily "C-casey" then whimpered "M-my father hates me doesn't he? I d-don't understand...(cough) what I've (Cough) d-done wrong"

Jones had no idea what she was talking about, probably the blood loss talking he thought. 

Jones yelled out once more "Anybody!! Help"

But luckily and finnaly...Help came.

It had been a year since the quest, and nothing exiting had happened to the relief of the five demigods. They all hoped it would stay that away apart from maybe one of them that is, but he'd dissapierd two months ago. Only a note left in his wake which only one person had read before it was stuffed out of sight. So the four demigods were sure he was alive but that was all they were certain of. 

So when a demigod was reported, bloody and broken, near the Camp borders they rushed to the scene, hoping it would be him but no such luck, something even stranger had happened. 

"Are you certain child?" Chiron asked her kindly but firmly. 

Casey, the now identified child of Zeus nodded. 

Louis was in the medical bay with her, so was Liam and Jones, the boy that had found her and Liam had come to help and lifted the log of her with ease while Louis was her half brother though Thalia wasn't there because she was with the hunters in the wildness somewhere. 

"This is so strange, if she is teling the truth and is Zeus child then why would he be trying to kill her? You sure she hasn't done anything to piss him of?" Jones wondered. 

"She has a name and she is sitting right here, I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong, as soon as I was claimed a couple of years ago, his been trying to kill me ever since! My mum told me this place would be a save haven, I was thousands of miles away from this place, my mum couldn't take me because she's disabled so I had to walk it, it took me a a couple of years...with all the hold ups with monsters and sometimes I would go and explore a bit" Casey said way to carmly for someone that had almost been on the brink of death, moments before.

Everyone looked at her shocked, it was the most she'd said in hours. 

"No wonder you look like you've been through a hedge backwards" Louis said, trying to keep his voice light. 

It worked as Casey smiled and let out a small giggle "True" 

Joette and Jade were also in the room, even though Joette was an Aprodite child she was ofton seen helping the injured in the medical bay. It was said her charms speak could always calm down who ever was injured and Jade, a Demeter child was useaully seen making medicines from plants and herbs to help who ever was injured, even though they didn't talk that much to each other they made a good team and had been fussing over Casey's injuries since she arrived. 

Joette was listerning to the conversation quitly while Jade was putting a strange green paste on some of Casey's injurys that would help numb the pain.

Chiron looked uptowards the entrance "Alright you can come in now" 

Niall came in, along with Zayn who both looked a little miserble but Zayn even more so than Louis and Niall.

Niall pointed out "You do know we can hear you out there quite easily and so could Rene, she's run of now" 

Chiron frowned "Dam" He said. 

Rene was a bit of a prankster and chatter box and loved spreading rumours. Louis smirked, he achaully found her quite endeering unlike some people, though he knew Rene didn't like him that much...Hey it wasn't his fault he may have accidentally humiliated her in front of all the other Hermes kids..... 

Everyone knew that the whole camp half blood would know about Casey by the time they walked out of the medical bay. Rene Williams, a Hermes child, she was that good at her job. 

Apparently she'd become good freinds with Harry two months back, before he dissapiered... 

Casey said to Zayn suddenly "You don't seem that happy..."

Zayn said uncomfortibly "No, its fine, one of our freinds went missing a few months back, when we heard, we were hoping...well..."

Zayn was about to add on something else, this time, more personal to him which was making him feel so depressed but he decided agaisnt it at the last moment. 

"It was him and not me" Casey finished with a sad smile. 

Niall nodded then he said slowly "We spent, two months together on a quest last year, we all grew quite close and we have no idea what happened to him..."

Louis winced, not looking at his freinds, that wasn't exactly true. His hand went into his jean pocket, a scruched up note with Harry's handwriting on was in his pocket. 

Louis had a good idea what had happened to Harry as he had found his note, and had taken it before his freinds or anyone else could see it. 

It had simply said one word...Chaos. 

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