Family Time Doesn't Go So Well...

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The awkwardness at the table was well known, the tension seemed to rise as Zayn silently and slowly eat his food. His mother wasn't looking at him, neather was his step father. Heaving a deep sigh Zayn snapped "I didn't want this! I came here to be with my family! Who I haven't seen in almost a whole year, not this overbearing silence!"

Zayn had started to shadow travel to visit his family now and again a couple of weeks back, before the sickness struck Hoping to be accepted back into the family. After reluctance his mother finally agreed for him to come over now and again. He useaully didn't stay very long and it was quite awkward but despite all this he missed his family desporatly and wished they'd accepted him more, it ached his heart to see them like this. 

Zayns Step father snapped "Don't talk to us in that tone boy"

Zayn fumed silently. The air dropped a few degree's and the shadows in the room seemed to increase. Zayn noticed as his mother and step father, looked around nervously. It started to become so cold he could see his own breath....A strange cracking sound echoed in Zayns ears, he looked down startled to see that his mothers cup of tea was slowly freezing over, becoming solid. 

Zayns eyess widened as did his parents but for very different reason. His mother said shakily but determindly "I-I told you, I told you not to go to that camp"

Zayn said grinding his teeth together "Was that after or before you kicked me out?"

His step father glared angrily at him "Don't talk to your mother like-"

His mother put her hand on his step fathers, silencing him then said to Zayn "You wonder why I did it? This! This is what I'm talking about. If you keep on using your abilitys like that to-to scare us"

Zayn shook his head realising where this was going, he couldn't control it! "Thats not-"

His mother carried on her tyrade "Then your just like your father"

Zayn almost snarled as he stood up, slamming his hands down on the table "I'm Not Like Hades!!"

 Then the temputure seemed to shoot up and his mother let out a gasp of fright as Zayn hands burst with black hell fire, threatoning to burn the table. Zayn swore and lept backwards, taking a few deep breaths, turning around from his so called parents. Trying to calm himself down.

Slowly the temperture went back to normal and the fire flickering around his hands died out. Zayn turned back to his mother about to apoligise to see her expression and his step fathers expresion it broke him inside. 

Fear...They feared him.

Knowing finally it was useless, Zayn whispered brokenly and a little bitter "Sorry, I just-just wanted to be...I don't know, to be like other familys I guess, it was a stupid thought I guess"

Zayn called the shadows towards him ans thought of his real home...

Camp Half Blood. 

Though when he got there a small bit of him wished he'd stayed with his mother.

The air was filled with death and decay. He could hear wails of grief echoing in Camp. Zayn ran towards the medical bay. He'd only been away for a couple of days after Chiron's meeting. Zayn let out a horrified gasp at what he saw in the medical bay. Around 38 demigods were being treated and 16 were covered with white sheets and other alive demigods crying over them.

"Zayn! You're back" Niall suddenly yelled in relief from behind him.

"Whats been going on?" Zayn asked panicked, hoping none of the Demigods he knew were under the sheets.

"The sickness has been getting worse, fast! No one knows what to do, if it carrys on then everyone will be dead within a three weeks, only about two, including Rene have survived the sickness" Niall told him gravely.

"Someone else is coming in! Make way" Chirons voice called behind them.

Niall cringed as he saw who Chiron was carrying that was couthing loudly, shivering and sweating. The small boy was part of the Apollo Cabin, Tony. 

Zayn could tell by Niall and everyones expression that wasn't sick that this was defiantly not good, some just looked sad and while looking at the small boy with a jolt of grief that Tony wouldn't make it. 

Some cries of shock and pure sadness ingulfed the air as Miranda came in, rushing towards Tony's side, Oliver right behind her. 

"Tony, tony, are you okay? Will he be alright? He'll be alright, right?" Miranda asked Jade who was tending to Tony as he came in. 

Jade didn't answer. Not looking Miranda in the eyes. Miranda started to sob while Oliver comforted her. Tony was couthing to much to pay that much attention to what was going on. 

Suddenly a loud noise like a cannon echoed in the air. Chiron said grimly "Its time, we must all pay our respect to those who have died" 

About 15 minutes later Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis were all standing together with everyother demigod at the edge of the lake, the sun setting in front of them. Liam looked still quite pale Zayn was worried about him and Louis looked like he was trying hard not to cry or scream out loud at how unfair this all was, so many lives lost and for what?

Everyone carried lights on small rafts, 16 of them were lit and slowly, all together they put the the lights into the water, letting them float away, all of them hoping that the demigods that were lost got a fair trial in the underworld. 

Zayn prayed to his father, hoping Hades would hear their wish's. 

"This is so wrong" Niall said with disgust. 

"I hear you" Louis agreed grimly. 

Zayn asked sadly "What happens now?" 

Niall said slowly "Chiron is thinking of sending some Demigods that won't attract any mosters home, the rest of us" Niall shrugged. 

"Chiron!" A voice wailed from the mist behind them, coming from the tree's. 

Everyone turned round and saw....

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