History Repeating

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Nico stood in the underwold, watching the spirits walk into the court room, his eyes bypassed most spirits, he was looking for one spirit in particler...

"Jones?" Nico called out warily, no one replied. 

Nico said tiredly "I know your in here..."

Still no reply but as Nico moved deeper into the Hecates cabin, ignoring the spell books that were littered around the place and the feeling of something different in the air...magic. 

Then he heard quite sobbing.

Nico was about to call out, then he realised he didn't even know the small spirits name, he hadn't even asked...Nico grimiced a little, feeling guilt slice through him. Nico walked up to the spirits line, searching for that familer face, most spirits shied away from him, sencing there was something of about this boy.

Nico walked deeper into the Hecates cabin, noticing it was much bigger on the inside than the outside, though the quite sobbing seemed to be coming from at the back, where there was no light. 

"Jones" Nico said gently, looking at the blob huddled under some covers. 

A tearful boys face came into view under the covers, he somehow looked so much younger with his expression of pure grief and saddness that wouldn't go any time soon.

Then near the end of the line a familer face came into view of a very small, young boy, that reminded Nico of Tony, the dead Apollo boy, both boys were around the same age...To young to die, Nico thought sadly. 

He wallked up to the boy, who looked frightened but stood his ground. 

Nico asked kindly "Are you Jone's brother?"

Jones said his voice muffled by the cover "What do you want?"

The boy said his voice cracking "Y-yes, I'm Timmy, A-are you the grim reaper?"

Nico took in a deep breath and said carefully and gently "I want to talk to you about Timmy..."

Jones opened his mouth, probably to yell at him but Nico quickly said before Jones could interupt "I talked to him, your brother, in the underwold"

Jones said his voice cracking "Y-your lying-"

He crouched down to where Jones was  and said gently "No...I'm really not"

Nico sat down next to him.

 "I lost a sibling to once" Nico told him.

Jones rubbed his eyes, his sobbing had finally stopped "You d-did?" 

He nodded and said carmly "She died on a quest, I was only 10. I couldn't save her. I was overwlemed by hatred and grief, her death changed me. I blamed people for her death that wasn't even their fault"

Nico didn't really know why he was telling Jones so much, but as he stared into Jones's eyes he just felt like he had to, to make Jones feel better, even if it made him open himself up more to someone else than he ever had before. 

Nico told him "Despite when Adults say I know how your feeling when they really don't, they can only guess, but I do litterally know how your feeling Jones"

"How did you...cope?" Jones asked, his voice full of desperation.

Nico gave him a small sad smile and said "Time..You never really find a good coping method, as time moved on, so did I"

Nico hesiantly reached out and squezed Jone's hand then said slowly and with affection "I talked to Timmy, Jones, down in the under world, his got a message for you"

Jones eyes widened and he stammered weakly "A m-message?"

"I can say anything? Tell him anything? This...This isn't a trick is it? You sure you're not the grim reaper?" Timmy said.

Nico said amused "I promise" 

Timmy licked his ghoastly lips then said quitly "T-tell him, tell him that what happened to me wasn't his fault" 

Nico told Jones "He told me to tell you that what happened to him wasn't your fault" 

Timmy spoke again after a long silence "Tell him, I'm okay"

"His okay"

"It wasn't painful at all, so he shouldn't be worried about that and...tell him that all I want him to do is three things...Y-you could call it my dying wish"

"His dying wish"

"I-I just want him to...remember me"

"He wanted you to remember him"

"And he should have a good life"

"And for you to make sure you have a good life"

"And...One more thing" Timmy gave a small smile, he somehow looked more relaxed but also determind, somehow much older than he was "Make sure he doesn't come down to join me any time soon"

"And make sure you don't join him any time soon"

Silent tears were going down Jones face as Nico finished Timmy's message.

There was a long silence then Jones finally said greatfully "Thank you, t-this means so much, thank you"

Nico told him kindly "Don't mention it"

Though Nico hadn't mentioned something, something Timmy had asked Nico to do...

Nico was about to turn around but Timmy said "Wait!" 

He asked, looking back at Timmy "You want to say something else?"

Timmy shook his head "N-not to him, to you"

Nico waited, frowning slightly. 

Timmy pleaded "Keep an eye on my brother? Please?" 

Nico blinked and a painful flash back surrounded his mind.

Suddenly Timmy wasn't himself any more, he was...Nico? A younger Nico, about 10...And Nico wasn't himself any more either, he was a younger percy... 

"Keep an eye on my sister? You have to! Please?" 

Timmy said "You have to promise to keep my brother safe? Promise!" 

"But you have to promise to keep my sister safe? Promise!" 

And Nico found himself repeating what Percy said to him, all those years ago "I'll do my best, I promise that" 

Timmy smiled at him then, looking as if a waight had moved of his shoulders, it had...But it had moved on to Nico's own shoulders. 

Nico left the underwold in shock, though ready to tell Jones about Timmy's message and hoping in all the gods names that history wouldn't repeat itself. 

Another chapter finished! The next one you'll have to wait a bit longer for because I'm quite busy this week.

Nico and Jones, so sweet, don't you think? And poor Timmy :(

Don't forget to vote and Comment, hope you all have a good day and hope you enjoy my chapter :D

Also there are less than 10 chapters to go intill I finish this story! I'll feel sad when I finish this story but Exited to start the new one :D

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