Pretty Little Statue

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Soon with Zayns shadow traveling, after Zayn reconised the road the garden centre was down. They were hurrying down that road towards the garden centre.  Arwa told them desporatly "This way!" 

Zayn asked her, catching up to her in a few quick strides "Where've you been this year? I thought you were going back to camp but you never showed up" 

Arwa told him quickly, wanting to get the story out of the way "I was going to but I met Emma sleeping out of the streets, her parents had kicked her out. She never told me why but I soon discovered she was a demigod when a monster attacked us and she was pretty good at defending herself and she could see through the mist. It took her a long time to trust me then longer for her to agree to come to the camp with me. We went this way and..." Arwa trailed of grimicing. 

Zayn nodded, knowing what had happened next. 

Arwa groaned "I was so stupid, I didn't-" 

Zayn put his arm on her shoulder, giving her a comforting sqeeze and said lightly "Hey, its not you're fault alll right? If we all blamed ourselves for everything in our lives that went wrong I think this world would colapse"

Arwa couldn't her a small reliefed smile come on to her lips but it left when they stopped walking and looked up. A sighn hanging from the wall that said "Auntie Em will welcome you to her garden. Food and Drinks inside" 

Niall gulped loudly as he said "So this is Medusa's lair. I always figured it be a little different, you know?" 

Percy gave him a look that said shut up! As they, Percy leading, walked into Medusa's awating arms. 

Louis asked, his voice low, in a whisper to Percy "So when did you meet Medusa?" 

Annabeth answered "We both did, when we were around 12 years old. Percy killed her" 

Louis said raising his eyebrows, a little snarkily "Well he didn't exactly do a fantastic job in that department, did he"

Annabeth glared at him while Percy ignored Louis's comment as she said irritaded "She's resporned back to life, obviorsly. Percy did kill her. She's just come back to live...unfortunantly" 

Zayn scowled and muttered, dropping in their conversation "I hate things coming back to life" He remembered the Hellbirds, dahm they had been a pain in the arss, or maybe back. 

The long scar on his back from them hadn't faded. Joette had told him it was unlickly to fade away any time soon. 

They were soon in the middle of the garden centre. Statures surouded them. Zayns stomach launched as he looked at the statues, all of them had one look in common. Each of them had a look of terror on their faces. 

Louis said horrified "This is horrible" 

Percy mutttered gruffly "What did you expect? Daisys?" 

Louis and Percy glared at each other for a minute but before any one of them could turn away, Rene let out a squek of suprise and Miranda jumped like 10 foot in the air as a smooth female voice inturupted them. 

"Well, well, I didn't expect to see you any time soon Percy Jackson"

Frank swore, jumping backwards as everyone stilled, all turning around to face a tall women, wearing sunglasses and and some sort of cloth that covered up her hair, looking oddly like an strange turbin. 

Though everyone knew who she was... 

Percy growled suddenly holding his sword out in front of him so quickly no one had seen his hands moving "Medusa" 

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