No Matter How Much I Want To Believe...

413 13 16

Harry spun around, looking up into the eyes of his father. Chaos stood before him, Harrys hearted thumped hard in his chest with anxiety as he tried to think of something to say. Chaos said a little to carmly "You followed me?" 

Harry gulped but he lied  "I was going to" Hoping that Chaos would think that he didn't actaully follow him all the way into the forest. Chaos frowned. Harry argued, suddenly feeling a little braver "I just wanted to see what was going on. You know so much about me and my life yet I almost no nothing of you! All I know is you created the Universe, thats it"

Harry hoped he hadn't gone to far but to his suprise Chaos seemed to consider what he said. His father then said smoothly after a couple of minutes silence "I guess you are right. I have told you little of my past, maybe the time has come"

Chaos turned towards his palance and said his voice void of all emotion that gave Harry the creeps "Follow me"

He started to walk back towards the palace. Harry hesiantly followed him.

Run while you still can. 

The Spices's words echoed in Harry's head but despite this he tried to push their words out of his head. They were making him feel paronoid. Chaos just wanted to show him something right? Chaos was his father, he wouldn't hurt him on purpose...right?

Okay fine....That forest had been mega creepy, so had Chaos's chant and the strange fire that had formed an arrow out of the smoke but-but this was his father, despite everything that pratically screamed Chaos's intentions were more than what they seemed, Harry had to believe that his father would course him no harm. 

All this time with Chaos (despite Harry still being scared shitless of him but to put it bluntly who wouldn't be?)  Harry had come to realise how much he'd really missed having a dad. They'd spent most time sparring and ofton it was Harry who talked, telling Chaos all about his freinds back at Camp Half Blood and how they'd met, what fun Louis had been before the quest changed him. Harry was worried about Louis, he hoped he was allright. 

As sometimes when they, well it was mostly Harry rambling, he would see a smile on his fathers face, filled with warmth while sometimes if Harry was lucky, a chuckle if he told his father about something amusing. And without sounding like an emotional needy teenager, those moments would make him feel all prideful and gooey inside. 

In some ways Harry thought, he was just like an ordinary teenager, seeking his fathers attention and to make his father proud of him. Though despite this Harry knew deep down that he was currenlty refusing to acknowledge there was a much darker side to Chaos to and Chaos's true intentions were probably something Harry would not call good by any means. 

But once again he ignored what his head was telling him and followed Chaos into the palace, up the marble stairs then they stood in front of a silver like door, with fancey designs running through it. His eyes widened. This was the doors he could never get open!

He tried for quite a while then just forgot about them. 

Chaos told him "There was a reason why you wearn't aloud in here" Chaos pushed the doors open easily, there didn't even seem to be a lock, Harry had no idea how he could not of gotten in there, his father had pushed the doors open so easily!

As soon as they stepped inside the door slammed shut behind them. Harry let out a gasp of suprise, everything was black, darkness everywhere, he couldn't see. 

Chaos told him, sounding amused at Harry's reaction "This is where my memories are kept, locked away"

Before Harry could register what Chaos had said, he tensed as the air around him seemed to shimmer? The air seemed to become shapes and more solid, turning more misty then the mists forming shapes that became solid. 

Soon they were standing on a deserted landscape, only rocks and moon that seemed to shine light down onto the cracking earth. 

Harry looked around and stammered "W-where are we?" 

There was nothing here apart from rocks, it all looked so isloliated. Chaos stood behind Harry and when he turned around when Chaos hadn't answered, Harry noticed Chaos had a almost wistfull smile on his face as if he was remembering something fondly.

Chaos then answered, his voice somehow softer "This my son. Is the begining for everyone who lives on your planet" Chaos spread his arms out as he said "Welcome to earth. A long, long time in the past. Welcome to new Earth, only one year old" 

Harry's eyes bugged out as his mouth hung open in shock, he had trouble closing it. 

His father said,turning to Harry, his eyes glinting with a strange light "You said you wanted to know more about me. Well my son, lets begin my story, shall we?" 

And thats it for now, more very soon. Hope you like it.  What do you think of Chaos? Or what Chaos will show Harry? Should Harry trust Chaos? Let me know what you think? And hope you're all having a good day/night. 

Hope you like this. I stayed up quite late writing this chapter :D Have a good Summer :)

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