The Promised Land

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It was strange being unconscios Liam decided. Many different things passed in his mind as many different strange dreams circled around his sunconscious. Sometimes he was watching back memories, memories of his own child hood. Unlike most demigods Liams child hood had been a happy one. He'd never know his mother before she died so he never grieved. 

He felt he was lying to himself if he griefed for her. He ofton had felt sad at what could have been but never was. He could have had an amazing mother but never did. He griefed for what could of been when ever he thought of his mother but he'd never greifed for her. Why grief for a stranger?

It was the truth even how hard to accept it. He'd never really known her so he couldn't grief for someone he never knew, even if she could have been his mother. 

Though sometimes in his dreams he'd hear voices floating above him. 

"How is he?" 


"His stronger than I expected"

"Thats good, thats very good" 

He reconised them but he could never put a name to the voices above him. He'd yell and shout, trappped in his own subconscios. Wishing to get out. Wishing to be free. But know one ever listerned. Know one ever heard. 

It felt like he was there for years instead of what would probably be a couple of days. 

"His still stable?" 


"Its a miricle his surviving this long"

"Then lets hope he wakes up" 

Liam would shout "I'm trying! I'm trying! How? How do I wake up?!"

But know one ever answered. 

As Liam sat in his dream land, he noticed a strange feeling circling his body. And his instincs seemed to scream. PAY ATTENTION! 

He was in a hall. A huge hall. The floor was made out of marble and the ciecling rose and rose, designs crossed each other, it looked so beuitiful Liam could hardly describe it. He could see a throne at the back of the hall. It like the hall was ginormaus and looked powerful indeed and a little intimidating. 

Liam noticed a very familer looking symball etched into the throne...some sort of eye?

Suddenly the large doors slammed open from behind him. Liam jumped, spinning around.

"Daaad! Can I see him, pleease?" A femaile. child like voice pleaded. 

"Nooo, me first!" Pleaded another voice, also sounded like a child but maybe a bit older and male.

Liam watched eyes wide as he stared at who was in front of him. 

Chaos stood before him. Chaos chuckled deeply as six children surrounded him. Looking interested at the Liam now saw a small bundle Chaos carried. 

Liam looked at the children perlexed. He noticed that they seemed to be around all different ages. 

The youngerst looked around five years old as she whined "Please Daad" 

She had as black as midnight hair and Liam was shocked to see black wings, similer to Chaos's from her back. She seemed the most eager to have a look at what Chaos was carrying. 

The less eager of the children was a male who looked around fourteen. Liam noted what was most odd about this teenager was he his skin. It was...purple?  He looked like he was sulking? His short hair black like his fathers and sisters, though no wings. He looked also quite muscler for a fourteen year old as well. 

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