The True Chaos Legend (PART 1)

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The air around the shimmered again and soon they were facing a camp? Harry gaped as he stared at a camp, with many tents that seemed to be made up of some kind of crystal material? They were on the rock hard ground. Harry could hear chatter coming from the tents then to his suprise humans came from the tents though there was something quite different about them, they all seemed around the same ages, in their early twenties and a strange blue symbols seemed to be etched into their arms, looking like some sort of tribal tattoos. 

Though Harry noticed all of them had the symbol of Chaos on their biceps. They all also looked quite tall and they all looked extreamly better looking people that ordinary mortals. 

Harry said slowly "But Humans wearn't created this far back were they? I thought the Titens-" 

Chaos rolled his eyes and tutted "The Titens had no originality of their own. You really think Prometheus and his brothers created humans out of clay alone? No, my people were the lay out for what you call humans today, controllers" 

Harry blinked, confused "Controllers?" 

Chaos told him "Thats what my people were called. They wern't human. They were imortal. They couldn't reproduce. They were stronger, smarter than humans you know today. I created them and put them on earth, seeking to populate it. My children helped me. The controllers worshipped me as their god. In return I gave them food, shelter and protection from some beasts my children created to have fun with the Controllers. They ofton liked to watch Controllers and the beasts they'd created to fight to the death and would take bets on who they thought was going to lose" 

Harry gulped, the way his father talked about it, instead of someones life in danger, he talked as if it was some sort of naughty prank his children would pull every now and again. 

Harry asked "What happened to them?" 

The air shimmered and the scene around them changed. Everything changed. Harry gasped in horror at what he saw. Screams filled the air as well as evil laughter. Titens were there, they were crumbling a city of blue crystal. Harry watched as Controllers fled from there crystal homes. What is up with the crysta?l Harry thought. 

Chaos said as if he could read Harry's mind, mind you he probably could "Crystal was one of the elements I made. Sharp and dangerous, yet pure and beutiful"

Harry agreed silently. When the city was not being destroyed it must have been buitiful, with the light reflecting of the houses when the sun was up.

They watched as the city that had been made up of crystal was destroyed, it crumpled around them. Harry noticed that as Controllers ran past, none seemed to notice them then he remembered they were in Chaos's memory, watching his fathers memories back, why would the controllers be able to see them? 

Harry cringed as a Titen burned a crystal house down. A women controller inside, she screamed as she caught fire. 

Chaos watched the scene sadly. Chaos said softly "They were my people. They hoped I would rescue them. But I had created to many controllers, I could not protect them all. The Titens had just started to populate the wold. This was how the Titens rule came to be." 

The air again shimmered. And they were suddenly standing deep in a mountain range. Mountains rising high up above them. The flat ground was no more.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw his fathers past self standing in front of the Titens. Who seemed to have shrunk in size, looking more mortal than anything to have some sort of conversation with  Chaos. Harry couldn't hear the conversation that well but Chaos's past self looked as powerful as ever but looked displeased at something being said. Harry noted with satisfaction the Titens seemed nervous while they were speaking to him. 

Percy Jackson/1D And The OathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz