The Deadly Red Dripping Arrow

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Niall wondered as he called Louis and Rene to come with him, why was it him that was always fetching his freinds and showing them danger? It didn't make sense...Though what didn't make even more sense was the fact they now had a may be dying Roman in their medical bay... 


His Roman freinds, Frank and Hazel had been coming to visit when an arrow had come from no where and struck Jason near the heart. He could be dying. He was in the medical bay now, along with all the people who were sick. 

Though what was troubling most people was the note that had been tied to the Arrow, it had been for Zeus... 

"One last chance Zeus, Or I will contiune to pick you're demigods of, one by one. Lets see how you fair without you're favorite son"

Niall ran into the medical bay with Louis and Rene following him. Jason's girlfreind Lydia was leaning over him, she was sobbing hysterically "Please, tell me, will he be alright"

"Please don't touch the pantient" Joette told her, sighing, looking dishevveled. 

"Jason" Louis gasped, staring at his half brother, counter part. He quickly rushed over "Is there anything I can do to help" Louis pleaded. 

Rene watched the scene unravel, looking like she didn't know how to handle the situation. She stared at the arrow, producing from an sweaty and pained yet conscious Jason's chest, going slowly green. 

Jade asked Rene to step outside. Rene agreed, still looking in shock, while Lydia refused to leave Jason's side. 

Joette told Louis grimly "If you really want to help, hold the arrow"

Louis blinked at her "Wait, what?" 

Joette told him seriously, cleaning her hands "We're going to have to pull the Arrow out of his chest"

"Y-you're going to what?" Jason wheezed, paling every second as more blood flowed from his wound. Jade pleaded to Lydia "Please stand out side, you won't want to see this, Frank and Hazel are outside as is Rene, its going to get messy""

Lydia shook her head stubbornly, Niall had to admire her love for Jason. Lydia said "I'm going to stay with him, he needs me" 

Jade opened her mouth to argure but Joette sighed "There isn't anything we can do, come here and help stop the blood flow with that cloth over there, once we've pulled out the arrow" 

"You ready Jason?" Jade asked tightly, focussing on the Arrow. 

Jason nodded bravely, gritting his teeth together as Joette took hold of the Arrow, applying more pressure to his chest. 

Lydia said shakily "Is it going to hurt a little?"

Niall said gently survaying the scene, ready to take the arrow when Joette gave it to him, Jason after the arrow was pulled out "Lydia, darling, I think its going to hurt more than just a little"

Lydia gulped, nodding. 

Joette told Louis "Okay, on three we pull right?" 

Louis nodded shakily. 

"One, two, three! Pull" Joette yelled. 

Louis and Joette pulled hard. Jason let out a pained cry, his body writhering in agony. 

Jade and Niall held him down. 

Slowly the arrow came out, dripping with sticky blood Niall took it grimly but also looking at the arrow, he quickly reconised it was no ordinary arrow. "Fasinating" Niall murmured. 

The arrow was calved with such delicate hands, with the arrow, flat and very, very thin, it was calved round at the edges to give it a sort of heart look.

 "What is?" Jade asked as she put a cloth around Jason to stop the bleeding, who was giving it his all not to pass out.

Niall told her "The arrow's not made by mortal hands, nor monsters"

Jason wheezed "You mean a god is out to get me because of my father...g-great"

"Don't talk, it'll waist you're energy" Lydia told him protectivly.

"Will he be okay?" Ceasey asked, she'd been helping with the other sick people around the medical bay, along with a few other demigods. Niall winced as his gaze met two more white sheets over two dead bodies that were being wheeled out by two miserble looking Hermes children. Niall reconised one as Oliver. 

 Jason then couldn't hold himself any longer and his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped down, loosing counscios. Niall frowned looking at the arrow, a microscopic amount of strange green liquid was at the top on the sharp deadly point of the arrow. 


Niall hurried over to Jason, he peaked at his wound under the cloth, noticing how Jason had a high temperture but also...He could see a few tiny viens coming from the wound, their once purple nature was slowly turning green.

Niall looked up shocked at what this could mean and he yelled panicked "The Arrow's tip is poisend!" With that he dropped the arrow huridly on to the counter.

Lydia gasped in horror as Jason began to tremble violently, this time she aloud herself to be stirred out of the cabin. Sobbing. 

Percy suddenly came bursting in, he'd been training early in the morning and had just heard what had happened "Where's Jason! Let me see him! Percy demanded with a aura of someone would and could not be refused. 

Leo and Piper both following Percy hurridly. Jason's good freinds. Joette aloud Percy to come in and help but refused Leo and Piper, telling them to wait outside. 

Niall realised there was nothing for him to do, to help Jason, so he decided to have a look at the letter tied to the arrow, the words reapeting inside his head but something stuck in his head. He avoided touching the poisened tip as he picked it up.  'Or I will contiune to pick you're demigods of, one by one'

Could it be who ever had tried to kill Jason, to get Zeus to do something was also the one who had started the sickness, to try and force Zeus into subbmision, or force him to do something?

The prothercy that rachel had given for their quest rang clear in Niall head, they defiantly needed to visit the king of lightning, hopefully Zeus had some explaining to do..

Niall stared at the letter tied to the bloody arrow. The words as clear as anything... 

It sent prickles of fear down his spine. 

But it also made him even more certain that they needed to go on the quest and they needed to do it soon!

Before everyone in the camp died, including Jason. 

He prayed they would get their in time...

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