Dark Forest Part 1

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Percy Jackson twisted around fast, to stare at Chaos with wide eyes. He looked at himself, flexing his hands, everything about him felt ordinary, as if a couple of minutes ago he hadn't been dead and his body hadn't just been put back together. 

"Percy!" Annabeth cried out, she ran up to him, hugging him hard. 

Percy winced, his body feeling quite sore. 

"Are you alright? Do you hurt?" Annabeth asked him quickly, scanning his body to make sure it looked normal.

Percy ignored Annabeth, staring at Choas, fear reflecting in his eyes. 

"Yes Jackson?" Chaos asked. 

"N-nothing" Percy muttered, looking away. 

"Mmm, looks like you have learnt some manners after all" Chaos said, mockingly. 

Percy flinched, looking at the floor, his mind still processing the fact he'd been dead... 

Yet his spirit hadn't gone to the underworld? It all had just gone...black. 

He had gone somewhere different, somewhere deeper underground than Tarturus.  Somewhere where his very soul had been destroyed then remade exactly the same as it had been before.

Suddenly Akhlys voice echoed in his mind, from years ago This is the edge of the earliest darkness, which was my mother. Below lies the realm of Chaos, my father. Here, you are closer to nothingness than any mortal has ever been. Can you not feel it?

But they all now new that this was Chaos's realm? Not what Akhlys had described...

Mind you, they didn't really know where abouts Chaos's realm actaully was. StoneHenge brought them here, but where was here? 

They knew what it was. 

They knew what it looked like. 

But they didn't know, where it was.

This didn't make any sense!

He was brought back to reality with Louis talking to Chaos. 

Louis was trying not to focus at what had just happened, if he did he knew they'd never get their quest done!

Louis said warily "M-my lord, there is still one more thing...The sickness, I-" 

Chaos interupted him, as soon as he spoke it got everyones attention "How about this? You all survive in my realm for one hour, one hour only, and I will consider it?"

Before Louis or anyone else could reply, Chaos clicked his fingers and all the demi-gods apart from Harry dissapeard. 

"What did you do to them!" Harry demanded, looking around. 

Chaos murmured "Relax my son. They're in the forest" 

"Are you serioius? You mean the same forest I had to save Miranda from? The same forest which you told me not to go in? Especially at dark? Its getting dark now!" 

Chaos, looked out one of his windows to see the sky, becoming darker, a small cold smile appeared on his face as he said "So it is, makes things more interesting? Don't you agree?" 

Before Harry could reply, Chaos dissapeared, like he had never even been there. 

And left Harry alone, thinking worriedly about his freinds, hoping they would make it...

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm quite busy at the moment so the chapters will take longer to write :(( Though there is now less than five chapters intill this story ends, hope you're enjoying the story so far :D

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