The Answers Are Clear To See

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 Louis didn't really know what was going on, nor did Rene who had kept her promise at coming with him on the quest, she hurried along besides him. They seemed to been in the the nick of time as Louis watched horrified as his father brang his hand with lighning down apon his freinds, all he could do was shout out and hope Zeus listerned to him. 

And thankfully he did, Zeus stopped. his lighning inchis away from turning his freinds into dead meat. His father turned towards him. Louis's heart pumped faster in his chest, nerves wrecked him. I'm finally meeting my father...after all these years Louis thought, though he'd wished it had been in better situation, you know, past the trying to kill my freinds bit. 

Zeus blinked at Louis shocked and he said, his voice reflecting his shock "My son?" 

Louis walked towards his freinds, Rene following him. He didn't look at his freinds grateful looks, his focus completly on his father, holding his head high and supressing the fear as he said "Yes and I might be you're only Son if you don't help us, you know Jasons dying right now...right? If you don't help us, he could die, don't you get that?" 

Louis didn't mention anything about Liam, knowing his father wouldn't care less about another Demigod...Suddenly Niall stepped forward when Zeus didn't respond and said "And we found this strapped to the lord. We've been thinking who ever sent it, maybe started the sickness" 

Niall pulled out a piece of paper, showing it to Zeus. Louis's father scanned the paper's message with his eyes, a few gods also leaned in to have a look as well. If possible Zeus seemed to pale even more. Louis watched his hands clench into fists then straighten out again. He knows Louis thought, watching Zeus suspiosly, he knows who shot his son. 

Zeus said sitting back on his throne, his eyes like steel as he said grimly "I'm afraid I can not help you" 

Louis praticly spat, knowing that he and percy jackson where the ones least lickly to get killed talking to Zeus like this "What? Why not? Don't you understand? Jason-!" 

Percy held out his hand, stopping Louis from talking as he said rather demandingly "Okay, if you can't tell us that, at least tell us why you've been trying to kill you're daughter? Casey?" 

Though to that question they defiantly did get more of an reaction from the other gods, a few glared at Zeus while others seemed to look nervous? And shift gulity in their thrones, that included, Hades, Posidion and Hespeastus? 

What was going on there?

Zeus's eyes narrowed and he said icely "That is none of you're bussiness demigods. If you knew what was best for this whole future you should of let her die. Or give her to me" 

Percy snapped "So then you can kill her!" 

Zeus sneered "Exactly" 

Louis asked hesiantly "Why? Do you want to kill her? She did nothing wr-" 

Zeus growled, interupting Louis "She has done everything wrong! She shouldn't exist! She thretons our very existance just by living. I hoped I could have killed her when she was a baby, unfortunantly didn't realise what she was, intill it was to late!" 

Louis retorted "What she was? She's my sister! You-" 

Zeus boomed, thunder seemed to be heard as he praticly shouted, fuming "She is someone you should have killed as soon as you laid eyes on her" 

Louis tried to interupt but Zeus was on a rant now "Further more, I don't see why you come here demanding answers from me when the answer's are quite clear to see!" 

Before anyone could ask what Zeus meant, Zeus leaned down on his throne, leaning closer to Louis and said softly but also a little menacingly "When the answers have been in you're pocket all along

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