The Green Arrow

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Harry hesiantly stepped into the forest where he'd seen Chaos leave him... As soon as he stepped inside the forest, his heart rate excerlerated. It felt like something was watching him from the shadows and man was there a lot of shadows. The tree's seemed to creak and move, almost like they were possesed. It was so dark, almost like he'd stepped into a pitch black cave. 

Harry stepped forward, his foot cruching on the dead leaves on the ground. The air around him seemed difficult to breath in. He heard some strange chanting, coming from deeper into the forest. That must be wear Chaos headed, Harry thought. 

He walked deeper into the forest. Everything seemed to get more and more scary as time went by. Always it felt like something was watching him. Like something was moving in the shadows around him...waiting to strike when he was unacpecting. 

Vines hung down from the tree's, ancient roots came up from the ground, easy to trip on. Slowly strange mist seemed to overwhelm the air around Harry. Harry scrambled through the forest that was starting to look more and more like some sort of jungle. He used the tree's to balance himself as he felt the moist bark of the tree's beneath his finger tips.

Harry thought this was just like a maze. You could easily get lost in here Harry thought. Every now and again he could hear the creek of the tree's and something howling in the distance but he had a feeling it wasn't wolves. 

Finally Harry reached where the noise was coming from and looking through the tree's, he could see a camp fire? No a green fire...on longs that looked a bit like the fire they had in Camp Half blood. Harry grimanced thinking about Camp Half blood made him feel guilty for leaving but...He had to go. Wouldn't anyone leave Camp Half blood if they wanted to find out more about their family?

He hoped his freinds were getting on alright. 

Harry pushed his thoughts about Camp Half blood from his mind, he needed to focus on what he was doing if he didn't want to get caught. He could see Chaos standing next to the fire, chanting something? His black wings were spead out, almost blending into the shadows. 

Chaos was wearing his useaul black amour. With his symbal calved into the front of his chest. The eye and arrows pointing of it. In Chaos's relm that symbol seemed to be everywhere Harry had noted. Harry had also seem to notice Chaos either seemed to wear his more godly clothing which was his black amour or mortal clothing which was a grey suit and could make him look more like an ordinary god or be mistaken to be a mortal if he hid his aura of power away from prying eyes. 

Harry figured the mortal clothing was when he went to earth now and again so he could easily fit in with the mortols around him. 

Chaos had once told him, he either wore his mortal clothes when he went to earth then Chaos had added smirking, he also wore it sometimes talking to gods as the greek gods tended to find him, the crreater of the universe wearing mortol clothes insulting, which Chaos found quite amusing. 

"Show me"

Harry's eyes widened as Chaos spoke to the fire. His voice almost making Harry almost step backwards. It was so powerful. Sometimes Harry wondered how could this man, apart from the black wings could be Chaos, creator of all but times like this when he got glimces of Chaos's true power that almost terrified Harry. 

Harry knew his father was holding back his true power when ever they were together. He wondered why but at the same time he thought maybe he knew why. but at the same time he thought maybe he knew why. Showing me his true power is probably like showing a demigod his true godly form Harry guessed, maybe It’d like be insinerated or something like that if I saw his true power. 

Harry watched, amazed and creeped out as the smoke from the green fire, formed a shape. A shape of an Arrow? It seemed to glitter as if light sparkled apon it when there was one and... Chaos smiled.

And once again Harry couldn't help but feel...dread? He felt worried for his freinds at Camp Half Blood for some sort of reason he couldn't identufy as he stared at the green smoke like Arrow. He hoped they were safe...

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