Son Of Chaos

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Harry scowled at him and said through gritted teeth "What in Hades are you doing here?!"

Niall stammered "I-I um-"

Harry waggled his finger at him as he said "Do you want to get killed? Is that it? My father-"

Niall asked him urgently "Is he here? We uh...Kind of wanted to talk to him"

Harry frowned, looking perlexed then he glanced over at Nialls freinds who hadn't noticed Niall was missing yet "Do they know?" He demanded. 

Niall shook his head, knowing what Harry asking. 

Harry's whole body relaxed, he'd been so worried about how everyone would react to who his father was, it had been at the back of his mind for ages. 

He gave Niall a sheepish smile standing backwards, letting Niall go. 


"Its fine" Niall muttered "You didn't know" 

Just then Louis realised they were missing someone...

"Hey, guys, um wheres Niall?" 

Before anybody could panic Niall stepped out behind the pillar, before anyone could react, their eyes all widened as they all saw someone walk forward behind Niall. 


Miranda's eyes took him in, he looked a tad taller than she remembered, his curly hair a bit longer, his eyes a bit darker, she felt herself blushing, not that anyone would notice...She hoped. 

Percy said, shocked "Harry?" 

Annabeth who had been acceptecting to either find Harry dead or captured in some sort of dungion was shocked by his healthy appearance and she kind of hadn't really belived he would actaully be here. 

Frank blurted in a very unRoman like fashion "But I don't understand? I thought, we all thought you were captured, we-" 

Harry stared at him confused, half of him trying to work out who the big dude actaully was, the other half regeresting what Frank had actaully said "Captured? Why would I be-?" 

He cut himself of seeing Zayns frantic, not so suble shaking of the head and wide eyes behind Frank. 

A few things seemed to fall into place. 

"Oh" Harry muttered as a realasion gripped him, followed by more confusion when he saw Zayn dragging along a oddly realistic statue of a girl with him. 

Percy looked round, his demigod instincs telling him something was very wrong with this situation. His eyes narrowed as he glanced at Louis, Zayn and Nialls reaction to Harry...This....was wrong. 

"You three don't seem very surpised" Percy said, trying to keep the accusion out of his voice...for now. 

You'd think as Harry's closest freinds they would be extreamly happy and relieved that he wasn't being held hostage by Chaos or dumped in some dugeon, nope. 

Sure they were happy, all smiling at Harry, but no shock nor suprise on their faces. 

And their reactions to his statement said it all. 

Nialls eyes widened, Zayn looked like a dear caught in the headlights, while Louis looked a tad sheepish.

Annabeth glared at them "What is going on?"

Harry moved towards Niall and hissed in his ear so no one could hear them "You told them Chaos captured me?"

Niall replied shortly "What else where we supposed to say? You were having bonding sessions with your father, oh yes and by the way, did I mention? His the creator of the Universe! I don't think that would go down to well, do you?"  

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