With All My Heart

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In and out.

In and out.

In and out. 

Lydia watched Jasons chest go up and down, far to erratic for her liking. Her hand reached for his pulse, feeling his heatbeat that was beating way to fast. 

The poisen had spread. 

Now she could see his veins standing out on his body that looked a sickingly green colour. They had tried everything but no one could stop the poisen. 

A couple of Romans had dropped by to see him, including Reyna who had stayed by Jasons side longer than most before leaving, muttering prayers to the roman gods. 

Thats all they could do now, prey. 

"Hows he doing?" A soft but a little awkward voice asked from behind her. 

Lydia didn't say anything, not turning around to face the daughter of aprodite, Piper. 

Piper came in to kneel down next to her, looking at Jasons feverus body, her eyes glistened with tears and...love. 

It was strange Lydia thought that she now ofton forgot Piper and Jason used to be an item. She used to feel threatoned by Piper all the time, how could she compete with someone as kind and pretty as Piper?

But now all of that seemed so far away, petty even. 

Lydia asked quitly "How did it happen?" 

Piper bit her lip, knowing what Lydia was asking then after a few minutes she said "It was my fault really. I expected to much of him. He wanted to go back to the Roman camp for a little while, I refused. We got into a big argument, some things were said and I guess...we never really patched it up" 

Piper smiled bitterly as she said "Now I think about it, your realtionship was much better than mine, he wasn't just my boyfreind, he was my hero. I looked up to him to much, I put him in a holy light where I thought nothing could ever hurt him, that he'd" her voice cracked "That he'd always been around" 

Lydia gave a sad smile as she said "I guess thats what makes us different, I never overlooked his flaws, I knew he had them, and I loved him for them, it made him real to me, a real realtionship whilst-"

Piper agreed sadly "Whilst i was still stuck in the clouds and quests, my romance seemed more of a fantasy, where he could do no wrong" 

Lydia asked shakily "Y-you think he'll wake up?"

Piper said softly "We have to hope"

Lydia nodded jerkily, closing her eyes, letting tears fall, she held Jasons limp sweaty hands, hating the way they didn't respond to her touch. 

Piper kissed Jason on the forhead then giving Lydia a sweet smile that Lydia felt like she didn't deseve, Piper walked away. 

Lydia cried gently, putting her face close to his "Please, please wake up, I'm waiting for you, I'll always wait for you. P-please, I love you, I love you with all my heart, I k-know I've never said it before b-but I have now, please Jason, wake up" 

Then let the tears fall down on to him, cluctching his limp body with her arms. She cried in silence, waiting, always waiting. 

I love you

I love you with all my heart

It rang inside and outside of him but he could do nothing. 

Jason stood in a dark black mist, listering to Lydia's voice, he felt choked up and in pain. 

Jason yelled fraticly "I love you! I love you to! Can you hear me?! Please! Can you hear me! Lydia! Lydia!" 

He couldn't get through, couldn't move his own body, trapped inside himself, screaming out. 

"She can't hear you, you know" A quite but very sorryful voice murmured. 

Jason spun round to face a strikingly handsome man, he reconised him quickly and a strike of fear ran down him. He had not seen him in years thankfully, not since freeing him from his chains.

Jason choked out "Thanatos" 

Thanatos looked sad, so very sad, he smiled but it was pitying and sorrowful "Hello Jason Grace"

He murmurs softly "You have got yourself in quite a difficult sittution here my dear boy" His honey golden eyes looking Jason up and down. 

Jason trembled, he took a step back from the god of death "W-what are you doing here?" 

Thanatos said carmly "My job" 

Thanatos added dryly "I've come here personally for you, you should feel proud"

The son of Jupitar said hesiantly "Is it my time?"

Thanatos replied "Almost, almost" 

Jason said feeling a strange calm and acceptance of his near death wash over him "I thought when I died I'd be seeing Letus not you"

Thanatos said smoothly "Despite your heritage you are more Greek than Roman, It felt more right taking you in this form rather than my Roman counter part" 

Jason wondered "Was there a chance I would have been able to make it?"

Thanatos shook his head "No, you were always meant to go, at this exact time, at this exact day, the fates have decided. Though your death was not in vane" 

Jason frowns "I'm not dead yet"

Thanatos said simply "You will be soon though"

Please, Jason wake up.


I love you.

Jason felt pain strike his heart. Wishing he could wake up.

Thanato said kindly "Do not worry, when your times comes I will make sure you can say goodbye"

Jason blinked, why was he being this kind? Deciding not to question it, Jason said "Thank you"

Then he frowned, a question coming to mind "Who shot me?"

Thanatos suddenly shifted uneasily. 

He straightened up, narrowing his eyes at Thanatos and repeated more forcefully "Who shot me?!" 

Thanatos said cagely "I can not-"

Jason hissed, stepping closer to the death god suddenly not afraid any more, I'm dying any way, what more could he possibly do to me? "I'm going to die soon, leaving everyone I love behind, the least you could dam do is tell me who murdered me!"

The god of death suddenly looked pale and a little...frightened? But not of Jason.

Licking his lips nervously Thanatos said stepping backwards from him "My mother would kill me if she knew I told anyone anything, even a dead man, please-"

Jasons eyes widened, startled "You're mother? But thats...Nyx"

What had Nyx got to do with anything...

Then he remembered what happened from last year, how all of this could be connected...

Nyx was Chaos's daughter, so that could mean...

Jason gasped out loud, gaping at Thanatos, he choked out "Choas! He-he shot me didn't he? Posioned the Arrow that went through my chest" 

He suddenly remembered the quest from last year. 

Jason trembled with fear and regret at not being able to tell anyone about it. 

Jason rambled helplusly "They blow it didn't they? The Demigods? My half brother? Those demigods I met for the first time last year? They blow the Creators Horn! His back isn't he? Chaos is back!"

He kneeled on the floor or what ever was holding him up in his subcounscios. Feeling like he could be sick "Gods help us!" Jason cried out.

Thanatos said sadly and a little bitter "The gods can't do anything about this I'm afraid, not this time" 

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