Follow The Butterflies And Traitors To Rome

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Frank angrily pushed Niall of him, who had fallen over on top of him, Niall stumbled upwards, not looking at Frank, completly forgetting their argument beforehand. Frank however was a far cry away from forgetting it.

Niall walked away from the rest of the group to try and understand where abouts they were. Was it him or was this forest really creepy?

Percy warned "Frank.."

The Roman leader ignored Percy and walked up to Niall, determind to get an awnswer from the now revialed Roman dem-god. Frank pulled the younger demi-god by the shoulders to face him.

Frank scowled "Who are you?"

Niall just suddenly felt tired, tired of fighting, tired of pretending he was greek, tired of everything and the image of the gallows just became more prominent in his mind. Niall replied warily "You want to do this now? We're lost in a giant creepy forest and you want to argue about this now?"

Frank replied stubbornly "You lied to me, I deserve to know!"

Niall glared at him and spat angry that Frank wouldn't leave it alone "My name is Niall Horan! Okay? Happy now?"

The name sent a shiver of hate through him though he had know idea why, where had he heard that name before? Then his eyes widened as he remembered then narrowed, Niall winced as his hands got tighter and tighter, holding him in a bone crushing grip as Frank growled "Horan? Horan?! Your family were tratiors to Rome, they-"

Niall corrected angrily, breathing hard "My ancestors were tratiors to Rome, it has nothing to do with me!"

Frank growled "You-"

Suddenly someone shoved Frank away from Niall hard. Louis glared at Frank "Leave him alone would ya? We've got bigger problems with you having a temper tantram, thank you!"

Frank was about to ignore Louis then froze when he glanced at Louis's hands that were making strange static noises. Electricily danced on his palms like he was holding a live circuit. He had a feeling Louis would have no quilms on giving him a high dose of voltage if he didn't stop.

Frank grunted "Fine" Then backed of though still staring holes into Niall.

Louis asked Niall hesiantly "You alright?"

Niall stared after Frank, biting his lip. Was this how all Romen demigods would react to him? Because of his ancestors, would he ever belong with his kin? The regection stung more than it should, he though him and Frank had been at least starting to become freinds? Apperently not.

He'd almost forgot about his fate. The image of the hanging gallows knot hanging above his head...

He wished Liam was here. He had told Liam about his situation last year in the underwold. Liam would understand why his heart was pumping so hard in his chest it might burst out because of the true fear of his looming death. Liam would understand why instead of his freinds faces he was seeing a long hanging rope, ready to go round his neck, Liam would understand why he was so...afraid.

Instead of crying or shouting in anger at what he was feeling, Niall said his voice craking "I-I'm fine...Fine, I'm fine!" He repeated more focefully when Louis looked skeptical.

Something caught Miranda's eyes as she watched the scene unfold, feeling sorry for Niall. Shooting Frank a angry look, she then looked down, her eyes widening as she saw a bright yellow, tall flower near her, the oddest thing was not the flower but the two insect like creature buzzing around the flower.

They both looked like butterfly's but they couldn't be...they were made out of metal, looked like they had human faces, to small and they were the colour of silver and gold.

Miranda felt a strange pull towards them and stared at them, fascinated. This confirms it, she thought, they are defiantly not in their own world any longer!

The butterfly's fluttered up and around her head. Miranda stiffened in shock when she heard "follow us, follow us"

They could talk?!

They flew deeper into the forest, wanting her to follow.

Miranda straightened up and turned around "Guys, I think you should see..." She trailed of, her eyes wideing once she realised she was alone!

They must have left while she was staring at the strange butterflys.

But she didn't hear them leave!

Miranda felt a slash of hurt, as the youngest of the group and smallest she seemed ofton forgotten about. When she spoke up they would look at her in suprise, as if they had fogotten she was there. 

She struggled between following the odd metal butterflys or trying to find her team. The smart thing to do would be to find her freinds first then follow them but...since when had she considered herself smart?

What do you think of Frank and Nialls argument and do you have any idea where the Spices are leading her? Was she smart to follow them by herself? Do you think Frank was taking things to far? Good for Louis for saving the day once again! :D

Its not as long as my useaul chapters but hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same. 

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