When I'm So Sorry Means And Can Do Nothing

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Back at Camp things were starting to look a little desporate. Everyone was affected by the sickness. A number of demigods agreed to help the sick. Others kept locked up in they're cabins, hoping they wouldn't catch the sickness. No one smiled any more. 

Chiron had tried to contact the gods but none had answered him. It was like the gods had completly cut their conection with the camp. But he'd heard whispers of what was going on. The word was Zeus was getting paranoid that he was shutting of the other gods from contacting they're children. Something was happening up there...Something big. 

From what most demigods could work out from the message on the Arrow that shot Jason, "One last chance Zeus, Or I will contiune to pick you're demigods of, one by one. Lets see how you fair without you're favorite son" that someone was threatoning Zeus, someone that terrified Zues. And that didn't give many demi-gods that much comfort. 

Some were scared. 

While others were angry. 

"I mean what has he done this time? How many other enimies does Zeus have that'll come and hurt us? Its his fault this is happening!" Casey, the daughter of Zeus snapped. Lately she'd just been feeling more and more angry at Zeus. 

She was bending over another sick kid, checking his tempeture, not bothoring to learn the kids name as he'd probably die soon, she could tell.

While Joette sighed "But we don't know that yet, it sounds to me who ever is threatoning him is like evil? I mean who'd want to shoot Jason?"

Piper who'd been helping out along with Joette, Jade and the new Roman kid, Dakota. Who Casey had to admit was pretty good looking. She opened her mouth.

Joette sighed "Okay, don't answer that question" 

Most Demigods seemed to be in the medical bay, they're training forgotten. Either sick, visiting someone who was sick or was helping out. 

Suddenly the air grow colder around them, some demigods shivered as shadows seemed to bend together becoming more solid then dissapearing, two people stepping out of the shadows. 

Shadow, Leo and Nico. Leo looked a bit dizzy but he grinned "That was so cool! Can we do it again!" 

Shadow smiled, amused at his attitude. But Leo's attitude quickly changed as he walked over to who he wanted to see. His little brother, Liam Payne. 

Jade walked over to him. Leo asked "How is he?" 

Jade said hopefully "His suprisingly stable" 

Leo's expression broke into one of relief. Shadow walked up to them, putting her hand comfortingly on Leo's shoulder. 

Jade told him warmly "His a strong one, stronger than most, if anyone can make it, its him"

Shadow said, frowning "How long has he had it?"

Jade told her "Thats the odd thing, his had it the longest, sometimes it looks like his getting better then the next hour he'll go down hill again and...At night he tosses and turn and mutters things in his sleep, most kids who have the sickniss are silent when they're sleeping..."

Shadow muttered "Strange" 

Leo agreed. 

Casey turned to Leo "Any way, where have you two been? It feels like I haven't seen you in weeks" 

Leo and Shadow shared a look before Leo said dismissvly "No where really, just...around" 

Casey frowned and opened her mouth to open prodd more then-

"His stopped breathing! Help!" Suddenly a wreched scream filled the air. 

Nico who had been listerning in to the groups conversation, spun around, his eyes widening and his heart ached as he saw Jones's stricken and fearful look. 

"Let go of me!" Jones screamed as two grim Ares Kids pulled him away from his small brother, who was paling quickly. 

Shadow grimiced knowing already what had happened she told Leo quitly "Come on, lets go" Not wanting to witniss any more of the heart wretching scene before them. 

Leo nodded as he started to go green. She quickly shadow traveled them away.

Joette and Jade had already reached the young boy in question. Casey coming up behind them. 

Jade said hurridly "His not breathing!" 

Joette imediantly put her lips to the young boys face...The kiss of life. As she tried to push air into his lungs. 

Jade pushed down on the hectates boys chest "Come on" She muttered, desporatly, trying to get him to breath again.

Casey stayed still, already she'd seen a number of deaths in Camp, caursed by the Sickness. She knew in her heart that this was another casualty they would not be able to save...

Nico stood, frozen then in a heart beat he was next to Jones, who was struggling from the Ares kids but getting no where as they pulled him out of the medical bay. 

"Let me help him! Let me go! His my brother! His my brother! Please!" Jones cried against the Ares kids hold. 

Nico pleaded "Jones, calm down" 

Jones cried "No!" Tears blocking his vision as everything went all blury. 

One of the burly Ares girls that was holding Jones growled "Stop struggling, kid, that won't do your brother any good" 

Jones yelled out "Get of me!" 

Suddenly a bright golden light came from him, Nico heard Jones muttering something under his breath, then before the Ares children could react they were thrown of from Jones, the boy Ares child cursed angrily "Stupid Hecate magic!" 

While Jones made a break for it to the Medical Bay. Nico shut his eyes as he muttered "Sorry Jones" 

Nico pointed towards Jones, feeling the normal tug in his gut as before Jones could reach the medical bay where his dying brother was, shadows rose from the ground, tying themselfs around Jones's ankles and pulling, tripping him up. 

Jones yelled out as Nico shadow travelled next to him, trapping his arms in his own, when Jones lashed out. 

"Nico-" One of the Ares children was about to say, Nico shook his head "You go back inside, I've got him"

She nodded, looking sad then rushed back in with her half brother. 

Nico covered Jones's mouth before he could think of using another spell to get lose. 

After what seened like hours but was only 15 minutes Jones finally stopped struggling but pleaded, his voice cracking "P-please, his my b-brother, please"

Nico could feel Jones's brothers life force leaving, he knew there was no hope, everyone did. No one wanted Jones to watch his little brother die. 

Nico wrapped his arms around Jones, affectivly stopping Jones from leaving and whispered "I'm so sorry" 

With a shudder Nico felt Jones's little brothers soul leave his body, going down to the underwold. He hated the way his energy responded towards it. How his body felt a little stronger, a little more powerful as death,  claimed Jone's little brother. 

Jones sobbed into Nico's chest as he said with a trembling voice "His my brother"

 Wondering how about 20 minutes ago Nico was with everyone happily listerning to them compain about Zeus. All Nico could do was repeat the same line, over and over again, wishing he could ease Jones's pain and anguish. 

"I'm sorry

"I'm sorry

"I'm so sorry"

Yes I'm evil ;) Next chapter will be back to Louis, Niall and Zayn ;) What do you think of this chapter? Let me know ;)

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