The Secret Passage

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Niall said warily looking around then pulling Miranda to her feet "Come on, this place gives me the creeps, lets get out of here"

He steadied her then asked kindly "You sure you're alright?"

Miranda nodded mutenly, still shocked into silence. 

Niall helped her walk, her twisted ancke shooting pain down her leg, leaning her body waight on Niall who suprisinly seemed fine with it, he helped her walk better as they joined the others. 

After a few minutes walking they came to the clearing. 

Miranda let out a gasp of shock and amazenent. 

Niall grinned at her awe and chuckled "Looks good doesn't it?"

Before them was a ginouramas castle, well it looked more like a palace, with such beuty to it, it looked like it was made from marble, the surface sparkling from the now hot suns...Wait...suns?

To her shock she noticed that there were two suns in the sky, they were defiantly not in england any more, let alone earth for what it looked like.

They could see their freinds walking up to the palace, they soon joined them, Miranda managing to stand on her own, ignoring her anckle pain and especially ignoring the questions at where she had been while Niall made sure he was walking as far away from Frank as possible and pretending to ignore his glares.

Rene said slowly "You notice this don't you? How bright this all is compared to the forest?"

Everyone agreed.

Annabeth said frowning "Such a contrast, dark and light" 

Percy said hesiantly "I guess thats Chaos though isn't it? If we are truly in his realm then he is dark and light, evil and good, his meant to be everything..."

Louis blinked then said with mock suprise "You actaully are talking sence for once?"

Zayn puffed out "Guys can we get a move on? She's getting heavy" 

He was carrying the stature of Emma. 

Percy said awkwardly "You want someone to swap with you?"

Zayn shook his head, wincing "I can manage, she's actaully quite light..for a statue" 

Arwa grimanced at the end of the sentace. 

Soon they had crossed the grass that seemed to sway unautaurally in the soft breeze.

They stared up at the marble palace, everything was calved beutifully, every detail was there, no cracks or rust, it looked new even had a strange powerful and old air round it which made them all think twice at it being a new building.

Anabbeth looked like she was in paraidise, she touched the wall they were facing, feeling the cold marble underneeth her hands but it seemed to be giving of a strange warm electric feeling that became more intese as she touched the wall, and she couldn't keep her hands their for long in fear of being burnt. 

She got the hint.

This building was not designed to be touched by mortal hands, she felt a feeling of unwortheyness over come her, who ever had built and designed this palace made her skills look childish and she had rebuilt Olympus for cry sake!


She blinked then reddoned in embarrisment as she saw everyone staring at her, irritated. They had been trying to get her attention for the last couple of minutes. 

Arwa said the question quitly, that everyone, well everyone apart from Annabeth was wondering "This is amazing and everything are we meant to get in it?" 

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