A New World

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Harry stared out of the window of the buituelful, ancient palance. Everything outside shone with light. Sometimes he would wake up in the morning he could barely believe where he was. He saw large amazing hills and valleys with blue, clear streams flowing through them. A couple of times he heard the noises of birds in the trees and the noise of the water fall nearbye. 

For the last couple of months Harry had been in Chaos's realm. He wasn't sure exacly where this amazing place was, all he knew was he had to step through some sort of portel to get here but he knew there was defiantly nothing as pretty like this on earth, well where ever he'd been away way. 

Though if Harry had to compare it to something he would say it looked like a place in scotland that he'd been to, though without the coldness and the rain. Or somewhere near scotland like the lake district. Though the lake district defiantly didn't have a creepy looking forest at the end. 

A couple of miles away Harry could see the start of an endless looking forest, though compared to everything else it just looked so dark and murky. He remembered what Chaos had told him "Never step foot in that forest"

Harry new it was good reason not to, he could feel something evil coming from that forest...But he wondered if Chaos could control everything in his realm, like he'd told Harry, why did he even have that creepy looking forest? He hadn't even asked Chaos that yet, something inside him may of been...a little frightened about the answer. 

"Harry! Its time" 

Chaos's voice floated around the room, easy to hear. Harry grinned, he grabbed his staff, lying on the floor and yelled back "I'm coming!"

Harry ran from the widow, down the marble gleaming stairs that looked fit for royality. He came to a large hall. A hall that looked amazing with its different designs calved into the cieling. Glazed windows stared into the walls, light coming in, flooding the hall.

My father, Chaos stood in the middle of the Hall waiting for me. He stood tall and regal, again a wash of slight panic and disbelief overwhelmed me, I couldn't be related to him...Could I? 

Chaos smiled warmly at me as I came in. He was holding a black staff, it was longer and thicker than mine. I thought, well thats why I was so much better at wielding a staff than a sword...

Chaos twirled the staff around in his fingers, his movements delicate, though powerful. He smiled at me smugly "Ready son?" 

I grinned back then I ran at him, raising my staff and my training that I had been doing with him since I got here, started. 

I don't really want to explain our training to much, it was always the same, with me lying on a heap on the ground, out of breath, wondering if I was really this unfit or if Chaos was somehow zapping my energy. Chaos hovered over me but this time I noticed a slight diffence instead of a frown or his expression blank, his lips were turned, only slightly in a small smile?

Chaos said slowly "You lasted longer this time"

I grumbled, standing up, my body aching with sores "How much longer?"

Choas shrugged as he said carmly "One second" 

I said incrediously "One, second?" He was happy about that?

Choas chuckled "Every second counts, my son" 

"Still..." I said still a little sour. 

Suddenly the doors slammed, open, making me jump. Chaos just stood relaxed, complely calm as a flutter of wings came through the door. I let out a breath of relief, reconising the sound. Spise's fluttered in, they were a type of creature that came into the castle now and again, to give Chaos news at what was going on, sometimes, to be honest they looked a lot like hundreds of mini Butterflys. If Butterflys were meant to be made out of silver and gold that is....

They all fluttered towards Chaos, ignoring me. Once they reached him, they did the amazing thing. They all flow close to each other, making a shape in the air, a shape that Chaos seemed to understand? For a moment it looked a shape of an...Arrow?

They all turned their wings inwards so the Arrow looked silver, because thats what colour they were on top and the bottem they were gold. 

Choas tight smile broadened. 

The Spice's then all fluttered out of the palace doors again, behind us. Chaos said to me "Stay here" Before I could ask where he was going he was out of the door. I ran to the gient glass stained window on the side, facing where Chaos had gone out and I watched as Chaos made his way to...The forest?

Chaos taught me bits of the universe everday and trained me with my staff. I finally got to use it. 

When he wasn't home, he only gave me one rule...Whatever you do don't go into the forest at night. 

I had asked him why not?

His response was "Because the nasty things...They come out in the dark" 

 I'd never seen him head towards the forest before. After a few seconds standing watching him walk towards the forest. I wondered hurridly before he disapeared into the thickness of the woods...Should I follow him?

Sorry, this took longer than I expected and I decided to only put previews up if the next chapter will take longer than it useaully does to come out. So if a preview of the next chapter pops up it means that that chapter will take longer to write, okay? So yeah... 

Hope you like this chapter, comment below and vote, thank you all so much and hope you've had a good day ;D

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