Green Eyes

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Miranda jumped as a twig touched her shoulder.  She followed the strange butterfly creatures that seem to be leading her somewhere, they seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into the forest. As the light became dimmer and the shadows leered more, everything slowly became more and more menacing.

Miranda started to wonder if it had been a good idea to follow some strange creatures rather than find her freinds but its not like she could do anything about it now... 

If she stopped following them, she'd be lost in this strange forest with no way back. Miranda felt like something was watching her. Her palms started to sweat and the butterfly creatures sudddenly sped up. 

Miranda started to have to jog to keep up with them.

"Hey!, hey, slow down!" She gasped out.

Almost tripping up a couple of old tree roots and sharp branches scraping against her face. Her shoes crunching against the dead leaves at her feet.

Out of the corner of her eye Miranda swore she could see the roots of the tree's moving...

Then she let out a yelp of pain as she fell over a huge root of a tree, sticking out of the ground, she landed awkwardly, she grimanced as a sharp pain came from her anckle, she glanced at it, hoping that it wasn't broken but it did look like it was standing up in an odd angle. 

Miranda looked up, her eyes wideing as she realised that the butterfly creatures had completly gone...Leaving her in the forest...all alone. 

She stiffened as she heard twigs and leaves braking, like something had stepped on them. 

"Hello? Anyone?" Miranda called out, no one replied. 

Miranda tried to move her foot but all she could do was wince as another shot of pain went through her leg. 

What was she-

Suddenly everything changed, something shot out of the darkness of the shadows and latched itself on to one of her arms and pulled...up...

Miranda screamed out in suprise as she was pulled upwards, her feet leaving the floor, wiggling in thin air, what in hades was going on?

Something else lanched on to her other arm, pulling her up higher into the tree tops.

She let a horrified shreick when she looked at what was holding her up...Vines, strong, huge vines, as thick as a tree truck were wrapped around both of her arms, squesing tight, like a Boa Constricter. 

Another vines reached up and looped around her neck, another wrapped itself round her injured anckle.

The wind seemed to start up again but instead of hearing that strange screaming she could hear...Laughing?

Her vision swam as the vine tightened on her neck. 

The very trees almost looked like they had eyes, staring into her soul. 

Miranda knew she had to reach her dagger, it was her only chance of survial! 

She slowly and painfully used her small arms and managed to slip through the vines and reach out for her dagger that was attached to her belt, she managed to slip the knife of her belt and first tried to cut the vine around her neck but she couldn't hold the knife probably and there was no garentee she might accidentally cut her neck by mistake so she decided to try and free her injured leg first. 

 After some pull and tug she was finally able to reach the vine around her anckle, then she started cutting. 

It was a slow and painful progress, by the end of it her hands were full of cuts were the knife slipped and her anckle looked even more bloodied up and bruized, it had turned a dark horrible purple colour, her blood not able to get through to her foot very well. 

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