Rise Of The Eclipse

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The stones stood in their places, towering high above men, almost regal looking, though rough, age creeping up on the rocks. They stood tall and intimidating. Shadows reflected of the surface of the stones as the sun set, creating a strange and mysterious aura surrounding them. 

"That was bit of a treck" Miranda wheezed.

Louis shrugged "I've had worse"

 He thought of plains back in the underwold. Niall and Zayn agreed with him, though they did look a little tired out.

Annabeth gasped in shock and wonder "There they are!"

Niall muttered, gaping at the large looming rocks "How in hades...?" 

Percy said as they walked closer to them "I didn't realise they were this big" 

Annabeth replied, walking faster towards Stonehenge "They're around 30 feet tall" 

Soon the teenagers were standing in the middle of stonehenge, both looking around them in wonder. Arwa said softly "I've always wondered why these were built, if this somehow helps us find Chaos we'll finally have an answer"

Miranda agreed, she stood behind Louis, the stones intimidated her, she just didn't get a good feeling from them.

Frank said frowning "Its hard to belive they were made in the middle ages" 

Annabeth corrected autermaticly "Actaully they were built in the stoneage, its a commen myth that-" 

Percy sent Annabeth a look that shut her up, not really wanting her to go on and on about them, her lectures could last hours. 

Frank said hesiantly "So what do we do now?"

There was a silence after his question, know one knowing how to answer it, apart from...

Zayn said a little stiffly "I read up a bit on stonehenge while we were getting here. People used to belive the druids build, something to do with there religion?" He shifted awkwardly as everyone looked at him, not likning the attention, though he carried on "But now most people that have researched the stonehenge belive something different" 

He stepped away from them. 

Zayn muttered as he closed his eyes "I could feel it as soon as I got here"

Niall asked curiously "What" 

He licked his lips nervously as he opened his eyes again, Niall noticed his eyes were darker than normal as he said quitly "Death...There are graves beneave our very feet, all around us in fact"

Arwa and Miranda paled quickly, glancing at the ground, as if a skelaton hand would rise any minuite and attack them. 

Frank said his voice a little cold "The Romans used sometimes execute people here, thats possibly why-"

Zayn shook his head "Doesn't make sence, I can sence so many dead bodies but...If they're really there, why have none of them been found by arcologists?"

Miranda said shakily "My mum told me once that you could see your future if you stood in these stones long enough, you would be able to tell the future, not actaully tell it mind but just sence it"

Percy, Annabeth, Arwa, Rene and Frank all looked in wonder at the stone while they tried to figure out what to do next.

While the other demigods looked quite pale and uncomfortible.  

Zayn asked Louis "You feeling what I'm feeling?"

Louis replied looking around as the sun slowly set in the horizen "If you mean an overwhelming feeling of dread, then yeah"

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