Poison Works Its Way Deeper Into Stone

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"Why couldn't Zayn have just Shadow travelled us there?" Percy snapped. Niall whole heartedly agreed. Everyone looked at the two sons of a sea god who both looked like they were going to be violently ill any second. 

Louis said, completly relaxed "And where is the fun in that?" 

Percy gripped the seat tightly and he said his voice strained "I don't like planes!" 

They were flying over to England. It had only taken them a couple of hours to book the flight. All the while Niall had been as silencent as death while Percy had been trying to convince Zayn to shadow travel them there instead. 

Now they could see why. 

Zayn said gruffly, playing on the screen the plane had on the back seat "I told you, I can't take you all that far, I may have been able to if I had been to stonehenge before but I haven't, so I can't"

Rene told Niall who looked as white as a sheet "Think about it. If something did go wrong we couldn't do anything about it, so just enjoy it" 

Niall muttered "That helps" 

Louis rolled his eyes, leaning back on the seat "Just relax" 

Niall said narrowing his eyes at Louis "Easy for you to say, you can fly!" 

Louis shrugged sheepishy. 

Percy glared at Louis who looked amused at Percy's situation. 

Percy huffed "Shut up" 

Louis smirked as he looked away and out of the window then said slowly "Look at how small those houses are, they look like toys, we must be thousands of feet up by now, I wonder-" 

Niall and Percy both groaned, looking sick "Shut up!" 

Niall murmured, putting his head in his hands "Kids of the God of Sea are not meant to be anywhere in Zeus domain, at all"

Percy said grimly "He wasn't pleased to see us when we met him, I'm suprised he hasn't shot us down yet"

Niall looked in panic at Percy, apauld "Don't say that!" 

Percy grimanced "Sorry" 

Arwa asked Zayn curiousity "Your in as big trouble as Percy and Niall are, why aren't you scared?" 

Zayn said a little miffed "Because I'm not an idiot"

Percy glared at Zayn. 

He sighed, not flinching at Percy's glare "You've fought a war and you're scared of flying on a plane? That makes so much sence" 

Percy's glower turned to embarisment.

Zayn said, happy at one upping the hero of Olympus "Thats what I thought"

The plane soon landed, much to Niall and Percy's relief. 

 Rene was a Hermes kid, stealing things came natural to her. So she hot wired to car's for them to take, as none of them realised when they got here they had no money to take a bus or Taxi. 

Zayn carried the poor statute of the demigod as he was suprisingly strong, though Arwa couldn't bring herself to look at poor Emma.

No one mentioned or tried to forget Emma used to be a living, very much breathing Demigod, it made it hard to look at her.  

The group split into two. Annabeth and Percy driving as they both looked old enough to drive, unlike everybody else, apart from Frank who had been silent along the whole journey though he kept on shooting odd looks in Niall's direction, who looked increasingly uncomfortible.

There were quite a few arguments in the Cars, though mostly:

"Why didn't you see that car?" 

"Are you delibrity trying to get us killed?"

"Stop driving on the wrong side of the road!" 

Most of these comments had been directed at Percy. 

They stopped the car in a car park, in a tiny village that was half an hour walk away from Stone Henge, that was in the middle of nowhere. 

Percy got out looking increasingly grumpy, with his passangers all looking like they'd love to kill him. 

Louis fumed "You are not driving me anywhere again!" 

Percy snapped "They drive on the wrong side of the road!" 

Louis retorted angrily, folding his arms across his  "And to them we drive on the wrong side of the road. Stop making exuses, you can't drive. No wonder you haven't got a lisence!" 

Percy was about to argue again when Annabeth hissed "Shut up you two" 

She then pulled them behind a back of a shop next to the car park. 

Both of their eyes widened as they took in everyones worried faces as they crowded round an Iris message. 

Lydia's tear stricken face came into view, greif written into her face. 

She sobbed "Please, J-jasons getting worse by the second, he was stable then he j-just suddenly went down hill, the poisens getting deeper into his system, p-please, please!, you have to hurry!" 

Taa da. :D

Hope you enjoy and lets hope Jason doesn't die before they reach Chaos right? (Evil cackle) This was a bit more light hearted chapter but Frank seems to have discovered something about Niall, Jasons close to dying, so maybe not to light hearted? 

Please let me know what you think and hope you'll had or having a good day. Till next time! ;)

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