Into the Chaos

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Rene ran, her heart thudding hard in her chest, she heard footsteps running after her. She glanced at the sky to see suspiscious storm clouds gathering, a clap of thunder stopped her from her thoughts as she concentrated more on not tripping over, where were Niall and Frank?

Her root hit a root, she let out a yell as she fell.

Louis was suddenly in front of her.

His eyes still glowing an earee white colour. 

His hands crackled with electricity, he raised on of his hands, bending down. 

"Please! Louis, this isn't you! Remember, please" Rene begged.

Meanwhile the women smiled nastily as Zayn and Percy approached the other demigods. Percy's sword in hand. Annabeth pleaded "What ever you're doing to them, stop it!" 

But it was no use. 

Percy raised his sword, ready to bring it down on Annabeth, while the skelaton hand made sure Miranda didn't run. Zayn seemed to be waiting for Percy to kill Annabeth first.

Arwa was on the floor, still looking a little dazed, she said slowly, squinting at the women "Yes I have seen you're type before" 

"Type? What is she?" Annabeth demanded, just then Percy brought his sword down, Annabeth managed to stop it with her dagger, she shivered in shock, if she hadn't done that he would have cut her head of! She tried to stop a sob from escaping her, percy really does mean to kill me... 

Percy pushed his sword upwards, her dagger fell from her grasp, she tried to grab it then riptide was at her neck, pressing into the skin, stopping her from moving. 

The women was glaring at Arwa, suddenly looking a lot less calm, she turned towards Zayn and hissed "Kill that girl now!

Zayn turned towards Arwa. 


Everyone froze.

"You're a Encantado, from the Brazilian myths" Arwa said unfocesedly. 

The Encantado let out a loud scream of fury, at her scream, shadows around Zayn became physical with sharp pointed edges and Zayn sent them towards Arwa... 

Arwa closed her eyes, cowering away from the sharp pointed spear like shadows. 

The women disapeared in a black and silver mist. 

Everything stilled. 

The shadows slipped back into the ground quickly once Zayn realised what he was doing. Arwa breathed a sigh of releaf. 

Percy frowned, blinking away the haze inside his mind. 

Annabeth said warily "Percy?" 

"Whats going on?" Zayn asked, rubbing his eyes, like he was coming back from a strange sleep, feeling oddly tired. 

Miranda gulped "Do-do you remember what happened?"

Percy's eyes narrowed at Miranda as he said urgently "Why? What-" He stopped, looking at the girls giving him and Zayn wary looks. 

"Arwa?" Zayn asked. 

He stepped forward, she flinched at his movement. 

Zayn felt a stab of hurt. 

"Guys! Guys! Its the names, thats how you get rid of the monsters, what monster they are and what myth there from then they go away!" Niall yelled from the trees. 

Everyone twisted around to see Frank and Niall come out of the trees, looking roughed up with a few cuts but nothing that looked to painful.

Annabeth muttered, eyeing Percy and Zayn still "We figured that one out, thanks"

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