The Cowards Way Out

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Louis watched them walk of into the distance, thunder cracked up ahead as it started to rain as his freinds crossed the borders. Just as he turned around, he swore he saw someone running after them but ignored who ever it was. 

He trudged back into his Cabin. He felt a little numb in side but also a bit reliefed. Those feelings quickly dissapiered as he entered his Cabin. An Angry Rene towered over him. 


 Rene demanded "How could you just leave them like that?!"

Louis snapped "How are you still here? How many times have I told you I don't want to tallk to you?!"

Louis wondered, if he could escape somehow, his bed had looked inviting, intill Rene stood in front of him, blocking his path to his bed. 

 Rene said, just as frustrated "You're letting you're stress and you're fears get the better of you!"

A denial was on the tip of Louis tong but someone he knew it coming out of his throat would make him look weak, it wouldn't sound truthful, because in a way Rene was right but he hated to admit it so he spat "What do expect? Huh?! Tell me that! I'm no hero! No leader, no nothing! I've all ready given what I have okay!!" 

Louis pointed towards where his freinds had left in an angry manner, breathing hard "If I go out there, the only thing I've got left if my life, I'll slow them down, I'll go bloody insane, I'll die, I can't...Don't you get that?...I CAN'T!" 

It was strange, he'd felt so calm before this then everything just snapped, the tinyist thing seemed to anger him.  Since when did he useaully have mood swings like this?

Rene looked a little shocked at his sudden outburst. 

Then she took a deep breath in and said, her expression changing from anger to a odd calm determination "All Demigods are meant to be Hero's, everyone could be hero's. Mortals could be hero's. I've know people have had it worse than you, pull yourself together, please Louis!" 

As soon as she said this, she knew it had been the wrong thing to say. Everything seemed to quiten down and Louis raised his eyebrows at her and a cold chuckle escaped his mouth. 

He stepped towards her, his eyes narrowing and he repeated, his voice changing to a more dangerous tone "Had it worse than me?"

Rene said hesiantly, taking a little step backwards, feeling the air around her seemed to charge up, becoming somehow a bit more static "Louis...I-"

Louis interupted her, looking like he was trying to calm himself down but it didn't seem to be working, she noticed his fingers flexing and for a second she swore she saw a white light, pulse and charge through one of Louis's hands. 

Almost like...Electricity? 

Louis turned away from her slightly, his voice holding a hidden fury as he interupted her and said "My parents were torn to pieces in front of me when I was just a child. When I first came to camp no god claimed me at first because apparently Zeus didn't even know I existed. He probably doesn't even care about how my mother died" 

Rene tried again to say something "Louis-" 

Louis carried on, ignoring her "And a year ago I took my first quest and hopefully last. The first real challange was the Mountain we climed up in the underwold. We went through a mist that made us hulucinate things that weren't really there" 

Louis shuddered then chuckled bitterly "But if I'd known what would happen to me in the Maze I would have gladly stayed in that mist, do you know why...?" 

Rene said shakily "No..." 

Louis finally turned, to look at her straight in the eyes as he said "Because the same sort of thing happened to me in that Maze but this time it was different. This time I didn't just see my parents being brutily murdered. I saw my freinds as well. Everyone I cared about. They all got killed, right in front of me. but not just once...Over...And over and over again..."

Louis put his hands to his head, his hands shaking at the memory. His eyes glazing over as he remembered. He said, almost whimpering "I-it just wouldn't stop....Nothing I could do t-to save them, nothing...I lost count of how many times it h-happened, sometimes the same deaths, other times in more different, grusome ways..." 

Slowly he came out of his memorys, remembering where he was. Louis noticed silent tears were pouring down his cheeks. Louis rubbed them away gruffly. 

Rene was now closer to him than before, she felt choked up with his story. "Oh Louis, come here" 

Before he could protest she hugged him, he stiffened in her hug.

 She came out of her hug and told him softly, touching his cheek "You know, I knew a man like you, broken, lost, you know how he got better?" 

Louis shook his head looking defeated and tired out emotionally. 

Rene told him "He had someone there for him, every step of the way, someone who understood him, you will to...If you go on the quest" 

Louis looked to tired to argue any more, his argument had drawn a lot out of him. But still he pleaded his voice cracking "Please, Rene. I-I just can't do this anymore"

Rene felt sympathy for him but she knew somehow in her gut he had to go, even if it meant her coming to, making sure he didn't do anything stupid.

She hated herself but she pressed "But what happens if one of those hullucinations does come true? Because you weren't there?" 

Louis blinked at her stubidly, his brain not really regersting what she had said as he stammered "W-what?" 

Rene said again more forcefully "What happens if one of you're freinds dies because you weren't there? Because you couldn't protect them because you weren't there?!" 

Louis stepped back, shaking his head vigoursly, paling even more, he said, his voice strained "That won't happen-" 

Rene pointed out "How do you know?!" 

Silence greeted Rene. Louis looked like he was going to throw up any second. He opened his mouth then closed it again. Louis said so quitly Rene almost missed it, not looking at her "I just...can't" 

She stepped back from him. And gave him a small sad smile as she said, a hint of bitterness and disapointment in her voice "Then...Then you're a coward" 

Louis didn't react to that, nor did he react to her walking out of the Cabin, slamming the door behind her. 

He just stared ahead...Thinking... 

Okay, heres the next chapter, the next one will be in Harry's pov. What do you think of Rene's and Louis spat? 

Despite the argument they are defiantly getting a little closer ;)

Let me know in the comments below :D

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