3.1 Birthday Surprise

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Clock struck twelve.

Leena and Pruthvi erupted out together, as if they had planned to wish me so. Last year on this day I had barely known them but at least it was five of us together, safe and sound. It was a small intimate gathering, yet they had tried to make it a grand affair. I mentally shook my head not to brood over something I didn't have and to be thankful to these two of my remaining friends, who were trying their best to make today memorable one for me.

On the other hand, to make it more memorable for myself, I had this girl I was extremely serious about. I hopefully looked at Nazira to see if she wanted to wish me, but her gaze was on the floor, and eyebrows creased, probably pondering.

Today I felt too old to cut the cake, and on top of it, deep down I was struggling to digest the little conversation I had with Doctor. The fact that this was going be my last birthday was making me shudder inside out. Yet, showing no real emotions, I cut the mini chocolate cake, only for my friends’ sake.

In the next hour or so, we were on verge of finishing the smooth but astringent wine, our favorite Uilani De Blanc. I should have guessed something was up, when I noticed Ashwant had visited academy twice in past few days. Celina had been a teetotaler but Leena was just the opposite. She was enjoying it as much as I and Pruthvi were. Nazira, on the other hand tried to taste it but she rejected it immediately, probably feeling too nauseated on the strong smell.

Later after awhile when we decided to call it a night, I didn't forget to thank Pruthvi and Leena for one last time before they left the room. They were drunk a little too much, and tipsy as a result, but somehow managed to walk outside.

Nazira was last to leave. I was walking behind her to close the door of my room. The tension I always felt began radiating between us. I noticed she was walking at a slower pace than usual. She then stopped near the threshold, turned around slowly to look up at me, smiled and wished me. “Happy Birthday.”

It was as if the whole room was altered, autumn wind blowing from all directions, like a magical, tantalizing fairy tale, myriads of positive emotions groping my heart on hearing her speak directly to me, especially after a really long time.

I couldn't help but to grin at her, no matter how hard I tried to resist.

“Thank you!” I whispered, I didn't even care if it had come out right.

She smiled brightly at me and left the room, leaving me alone with my heart performing the world best blissful conga.



I moaned, as if someone was calling out for me and I had to reply to tell them I was alive.


I cupped my hand against my ear. A voice, almost as fitful as a sough of wind, was interrupting my regular dream. She and I were alone in it and I didn't need even air to join us.

“Eennngencee! Edyfodetharrdrrounndd...”

The sound ebbed inside my ear as breathy murmur caused by the regular winds and then terribly turned into a raspy slow noise. I felt a prickling sensation starting from beneath the pocket of my night pants, then snaked up my entire body, making my skin burn. Feeling agitated, I pulled the stone out of my pocket and exerted all my force to slam it down on the floor.

“Theeedaiys! Theeedaiys!”

The shuddering deep rhythmic breathing made my hair to ruffle by itself. It was getting out of control and I involuntarily shot my eyes open feeling my blood pressure gone too high.

“What the hell!”

Flustered, I bolted up to sit straight. I began taking slow deep breaths and immediately started feeling better. My temperature fell back to normal. I knew it was a prank and I quickly became aware of who might be troubling me early in this morning.

Pushing my blanket, I stood up, rooted to the spot, my heart hammering. I made myself ready to attack if my instinct was right.

“Singh, if it is you, come out and face me like a man….like a lion!”

I waited for several seconds. When nothing changed, I pulled my Cornelian out, which at once had settled back inside my pocket, and I stared at it for a while. The twinkling, the mocking spark was obviously there. And now I knew very well why I always have been getting the same hunch. I was controlling myself to say the command, to pull him out and talk to him. Never once I tried to call him out since that day, the day I had lost to my friend. He was too serious of that stupid promise I made and I just couldn't break it any more.

In a small bedroom like mine, I was crazy to even think Singh could fit in. Clenching the stone in a tight fist, I scanned the entire room. The kind of silence in my room was thick. The only movement was the waving of the chartreuse curtains, everything seemed utterly still, raising my suspicion if it really was the wind earlier.

All of a sudden, even though I knew I was, I didn't feel alone in my room. It was as if someone was watching me, some invisible force.

My stone began to burn again, as usual, acting as the everyday wake up call.  I sighed heavily, relaxed my mind and ran my hands against my hair still feeling dizzy. I wasn't completely sober yet, may be the inkling was only because of the alcohol I had consumed from last night.

I freshened up too quickly, not letting my mind to think anymore about what had happened in my room a few minutes ago. It was just the wind, I kept saying it again and again, only to make myself feel better.

Heading towards the training room, and even before the morning workout could begin, I firstly thought to find my friends in private to share about everything with them. Probably talking to them about it could bring some peace of my mind. But surprisingly, I found Pruthvi slightly bend over, peeping inside my bedroom.

“Over here,” I called out loudly, raising my hand.

“Oh good,” he said, on getting satisfied to find me awaken and then he continued before I could say, “Yoga is cancelled.”

I frowned, as I stood in front of him “Cancelled? Why?”

Looking over his shoulder, I watched everyone else walking back hastily inside their respective bedrooms. Among them was Leena, who waved her hand at me before she disappeared to meet Nazira.

“I think doctor doesn't want anyone to be in the training room,” Pruthvi said, his face stern, “He has a information for you, by the way. He told me there is someone to see you in his cabin. And he wants your attention immediately.”

My eyebrows rose to my hairline. “For me?” I asked, “Who can possibly visit me here, in academy?”

“I don't know,” said Pruthvi, shaking his head, “He just asked me to pass on the message. Listen Hayden, who ever it is, just be careful.”

I smiled at his concern. “Don't worry, doctor will be with me.”

I walked past him, and down the passageway, hurriedly reaching the training room. I was too eager to know who it was and reiterated to myself not to get too overwhelmed about it. But my mind kept tracing each and every person I had met in the past year. King Aghasthya? Princess Lithika? Dhanunjay? I just wasn't able to settle down on one.

I used my Cornelian to serve the knob and the cabin door, making a loud slapping sound, opened as fast as it could. I narrowed my eyes taking a step inside. The person, a woman, was sitting in the opposite direction, back facing towards me. And that took me more than a few seconds to realise who it was.

“There you go,” said Doctor, lifting his head up and leaning back, “There’s your birthday boy.”

The woman quickly turned around, and stood up wearing a facial expression of too much of yearning to see me. In blue organza saree, hair tied back in a bun, the person standing before me was my Aunt Tanya, Tanishka Thribhuvan.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now