32.3 Gate 12- Fight Fire with Fire

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His mane was full on fire. It enlarged and ignited his body. The growl of pain never stopped. I had no idea why I wasn't it seriously, even though I knew he was in pain. Perhaps that was how our relationship was meant to be- to laugh at each other's pain. I watched his forelimbs bending. He was trying to wake back up, but he shivered tremendously. Not to mention the fire burning him never diminished.

Although standing attentive, in case Singh gathered himself up and resumed the challenge, I creased my brow fixing a perplexed gaze at him. He was still in pain. Being a Constellia should be an advantage but it didn't seem so. I raced my mind and it took me a while to realise that the reason for me and Singh to get knocked off was because of this typical fire log. Natural fire that it was. How and why Singh would generate natural fire in his realm, I wouldn't know. I looked at the log holding it firm with both of my palms. It quickly reminded me of the day our academy was blasted, when I had blisters all over my hand.

"Aha!" I said, watching Singh raising and falling too many times, and when he wasn't able to, I felt extremely elated that my plan worked, "Now who is going to get a life sentence, huh?"

Fire was burning him thoroughly, and he was growling...

"Come on, show me what else you got!" I exclaimed.

He trembled at the spot. Unable to resist, his limbs skidded far away from one another and he dropped down completely on the ground.

I felt my stone gradually cooling down. I blinked and dragged my eyes to look at her over Singh's burning body. Nazira had her mouth covered and staring at him with frightened imploring eyes. Her utter intimidated posture suddenly struck a chord with me. My smile vanished and my elation at once worn off. I was suddenly concerned about my Constellia.

"Hey Singh! Wake up!" I yelled, slowly lowering the log.

Singh didn't respond. He remained stiff, burning amidst the flames His golden skin, I noticed, was turning grey.

"My god!" I cried, adrenaline flew over my veins when Singh stayed unmoved for a long time than I had anticipated. I threw the log away and immediately rushed towards him. Nazira must have been waiting for me to react first and when I did, she ran hurriedly. We both reached him at the same time and stopped ourselves abruptly at a slight distance away from the fire.

I was breathing heavily. My mind had completely gone blank, devoid of any favourable ideas. All I could think of how this was possible. Singh, being a Constellia, shouldn't have to suffer the way he was as of the moment. Why wasn't he doing anything to get rid of fire?

"What do we do?!"

I heard her frantic voice in my brain. I shook my head letting all my emotions drain off. My stomach was hurting but I tried to think of something, anything worthy. I followed the instinct that led me to remove my outer shirt off and to beat out the flames using it. It took me several minutes but I successfully put the fire off. Singh's head was lolled aside lifelessly, his total body although rising and falling, taking laboured breaths.

The next instant the brilliant light emerged beside Singh and I was hugely relieved to know that he still conscious enough to move his paw and place it amidst the opening.

"Nazira," I gasped, holding her hand and forcing her to look at me, "Can you please go get something from the basket, first aid box or anything."

"That won't help," she said, signalling.

Her voice was aggressive and her eyes- red, wild and watery just like I had been seeing and hearing her all through the challenge. She looked aside, at the top of the hill and then said, "Please wait, I will be back."

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now