29.2 Cheap Trick

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Leena cleared all the pebbles and twigs before she spread Hardik on the ground, against the alabaster stone. She put her bag aside and gestured Pruthvi to sit beside her. She looked cordially at him and held onto a sad smile on her face. However, a flicker of annoyance crossed his face- his remorse wasn't just an artifice to gain her sympathy.

King Aghasthya, taking a significant leap of faith in them, had departed for Sharad a few minutes ago. He was already on his way with his knights, their newly captured prisoners and Zarina's lifeless body to which Pruthvi didn't even spare a glance. So much for considering each other a family.

The morning sunlight resolutely streaked amidst the thick branches of the Vrindahina trees, making its flowers shine brilliantly. Pruthvi might have appreciated its beauty a little bit more but now that they have turned into some random useless flowers...

Before he sat beside her, Pruthvi, rising his chin up, studied his predecessor thoroughly. He tried to divert his mind to the information he had received. The gist of all of it-he was different. Possessing the double kinetic power and mastering both of them, had made him different. He ducked both of his hands inside his pockets and gently caressed the two green stones. One was unsurprisingly warm, and the other as cold as one's grave.

"Are you okay?" Leena asked, her voice sounded soothing, yet piquing.

"I am okay," he replied.

"Good. So tell me, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know yet."

Leena knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "Didn't you say you had a plan?"

"Yes, I do. I just need some time."

"Pruthvi, I totally understand what you are going through but we need to move on...."

"Easy for you to say," he interrupted, not wanting to sound too harsh but he couldn't stop his mouth, "You were not the one who killed two people in a single day."

"Wha..!" Leena gasped, raising her eyebrows, "I am responsible for everything that has happened as much as you are. I am just trying to help you."

"Thank you," he said, through his gritted teeth, "But you didn't need to do that. You could have gone with your grandfather when you had the chance. After all, you are a princess. Gold biscuits must be waiting for you at breakfast."

"You too?" she shouted, narrowing her eyes, "I don't understand why every one of you think of as such. Have I ever behaved like that? Have I not been a Samagraha enough? Did I ever tell you that..."

"SHUT UP!" Pruthvi shouted, pressing his eyes tight and punching the ground beside his leg that slightly shook as a result, "Just shut your mouth, okay? Your voice is too irritating."

Pruthvi slowly opened his eyes but refrained himself from looking up at her to read her expression. Deep down he knew very well that he was hurting her. He knew that none of this was her fault, it wasn't her choice to favor herself as the current generation's Maiden. Although it bestowed on him as a curse upon his life, he was finding it hard to accept that in reality, it was a gift, a blessing to the people of this country.

She stayed quiet for a while, breathing heavily. His rash words had definitely hit her with a jolt. Her palms were curled into fists and she seemed to hold back the torrents of tears with her growing anger.

"Did you really just say that?" she whimpered, her voice quivering, "You kissed me a few minutes ago as if it was an end of the world and now you find my voice irritating?"

"Yes," he admitted, although it was a terrible lie, "If that was what you wanted to hear then please, let me have some peace of mind."


(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now