7. Disaster

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A surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins, my visions swam. But what scared me the most was her anguished scream that echoed in my head. Nazira and I landed hard on the floor with a thud, a little apart from each other. For a split moment both of us remained calm, in a complete state of shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

I coughed and slightly whimpered getting my senses back. I turned around to check on her condition. She was trying to get her bearing but was immediately falling back on the floor for several times.  Her feet was bleeding, sharp tiny glasses stung deep into her skin. Reacting on my impulse, I ran speedily and fell on my knees beside her. I removed her flip flops out of the way to pull out a few shreds of glass off her feet. She instantly cried out of pain  and her cry trembled me. Tears began rolling down her cheeks and I quickly let her leg go, not wanting to give her any more pain.

I was scared to death, and I could feel my body temperature rising. Heat began to prickle my skin and I turned around to check on the source. My heart plummeted, it took every damn nerve of my brain to comprehend that what my senses were telling was true.

Doctor’s cabin was full on fire, dangerously glowing as orange flames baking the air, sending billows of black smoke.

My face contorted with rage. It was more than a violent tingle running underneath my skin. I didn't had to think twice about who was responsible for this nefarious feat.

It must be Shaytan Rup!

Nazira’s cry pulled my focus back to her. Without removing all the glasses from her leg, she was totally incapable to escape out of the room. This made me take a decision which I wasn't too proud of.  

“Fire Shield Formation!”

I commanded my stone. I did not even bother if I was seeing or hearing her in my mind at that moment. I just kept my total focus on the real person in need of my help. A huge fire ball erupted out of my hands, and it was the only formation I knew that was going to help the fire from the blast to stay afar and I made sure it kept Nazira out of danger.

“Stay here,” I requested her, even though I doubted if she was able to read my lips, “I’ll go and get help.”

I hated to leave her there alone, but I needed to check on Doctor as well. He had mentioned he was leaving and I so wished him to be gone already. I jumped out of my own fire, safe and unharmed. But then my whole body began enduring the intense heat of the fire that wasn't mine. I was drenching in sweat, black smoke streaming my eyes. I swallowed holding back a sob of my own, watching the whole cabin turning into ashes and charcoal. I looked through the orange light, at the cabin door, cracking and breaking into two.

I stood still, slightly gasping, when I was sure my eyes caught a strange appearing but a very well know person ambling inside the cabin, blowing a powder. He was in his jeans and black shirt, his frizzed up hair grown longer covering his ears and neck, his skin darker than glancing of the sun could produce. A white light then emerged amidst the orange and the person, I was dying to meet since the past few months, was just about to escape through it.

“Tyrell!” I shrieked, my heart drumming and my eyes watering, “Tyrell, WAIT!”

He was here, just a few steps away from me. Hope washed over my body tremendously, helping me muster up all the strength I needed. The chance to keep my promise, I had made to bring him back, was right in front of me.

He was leaving, he was about to pass through the Gates of Chandrika that he created. But before he left, he reacted on my call, turning his head leisurely around, to look at me.

His eyes shone splendidly in the blazing light, enough for me gaze intently at them. There was no life in them, no spark, just two dead eyes that can see the world.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now