12.2 Gate 2-A Balancing Act

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A knuckle rapping sound on the door forced me to open my eyes. I was feeling all dizzy and drowsy that for once I thought I was only assuming things. I had no recollections of how I fell asleep, probably only out of boredom. I looked aside with my half opened eyes at Nazira's bedroom door and felt my heart sink finding it still tightly shut. It was too hard to believe that I did not see her for a past complete day. All I wanted was to talk to her and I never could have imagined my genuine question could make her starve. I inhaled sharply, letting my nervousness down and hoping that she was alright.

The knock came louder and faster this time. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, and then guessing if Nazira had gone outside, I quickly walked upfront and opened the door in a hope to see her.

I shivered involuntarily as a sudden cool breeze hit my skin. Outside was clear and silvery. No Nazira. I wondered what time of the night it was for everything was transformed into a white blanket of radiant lightning. Taking a few more steps ahead, I looked up at the moon- full and shining high above the sky The increased gushing sound of the river struck to me on the chord. It was rather chilly comparatively to that during the day. I quickly buttoned my outer checked shirt to keep the breeze out.

"Mackaaay Haaayden!"

A mellow and singsong quality of a tone grabbed my attention. A woman seemingly in Nazira's height, draped in a golden sparkling saree, her long hands flung open in a shape of a balance, appeared in front of my eyes when she slowly walked towards my direction.

I swallowed, guessing if my next challenge was up, and I wasn't ready for it. Watching her walk closer helped me to study her well, under the shining moon. Her eyes were tied with a white piece of cloth, a crepe bandage. Her lips were silver in color, completely in contrast to the color of her saree, making her look absolutely eerie. Her hands in shape of a balance, swinging aimlessly with the momentum of her walk.

She was getting closer to me, now at an approximate decent distance. But she didn't stop and kept walking. I took a step back expecting her to stop anytime. She didn't. The twigs beneath my feet were making a crunching sound, and I wantedly stepped on a few to let her know that I was standing right here. I understood she was blind, but was she deaf too?!

"Okay, stop! I am right here!" I shouted, fearing if she might push me down the cliff.

"Sooory!" She said, dragging her words too long, and finally coming to "Ready are you?"

"Er," I said, having an odd and uneasy feeling, "Can't it wait until morning?"

"Challenge is in no morning. It's late in the middle of the night," she replied.

I sighed in frustration. I was indecisive about it. My mind was still stuck on Nazira and her condition. But then I forcefully hardened my heart and decided to go with whatever it was, so that I could get back to her quickly.

"Okay," I said, halfheartedly, "What do I have to do?"

"You not alone?" she asked, lifting her hand and turning swiftly around. Her long hand swung around, almost in verge of hitting me. I ducked and saved myself. She turned again back at me, swinging her hands and I had to duck again.

"Watch it!" I cried.

Irritated, I walked far away from her and then I understood what Tula meant when she stated I wasn't alone. Nazira was walking towards me. Her eyes were totally widened, stuck on the weird looking Constellia.

My heartbeat sounded like an echo on watching her after long period of time, almost for a day. I had no idea that I had a strong desire to see her until now.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now