38.2 Priorities

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My eyes remained stuck on her. 

In pure white plain ethnic wear, having her head down she walked towards me alongside Ira. Watching her after so many days the world seemed to disappear. My aunt was speaking but I was too fixated on her to hear anything. I had been waiting to have a one on one meeting with her, to talk openly about what the incomplete moment actually meant. I couldn't comprehend if she even knew that I was standing there, mentally pleading her to look at me, to give me an opportunity to find solace gazing at those eyes.

"We have to start as soon as possible," Ira said to my aunt and then to me, "Hayden, I will be opening Gates for you. Are Pruthvi and Leena on their way?"

"What?" I asked, finding it difficult to take my eyes off her, "Yeah, they are."

"Great," she said. "We must leave."

They began walking away, my aunt accompanying them. Nazira must have sensed my plea that she did what I wanted her to. She lifted her heavy lashes up and fixed her gaze with mine till we parted ways. My mind reeled the images of best moments we shared spending in the Parallel Universe- keeping each other company, the jokes we cracked, the way she teased me, our dance feeling each other- she was there for me, with me, sometimes morally helping me get through the challenges. But then there was something else in her eyes that it took a moment to perceive. Was I just blaming my aunt, when I myself was keeping a major secret from Pruthvi?

She had already walked away, but my mind still lingered on those eyes of hers. Guilt trickled through me on thinking about Pruthvi and Leena. They had gone through a lot of troubles alone and what have I been doing? Thinking of my ways to make her mine. I thought I was happy with her, staying alone for a month. But I had forgotten that my life wasn't with her in that parallel universe. It was here, in this Authentic universe with Pruthvi and Leena, who were the only two people ready to stick with me through thick and thin.

I walked away swiftly and chose to sit in the verandah for some air, placing my legs over the fencing and deliberating on what my priorities were. If Panchayat accepted me as a King and if there was no way out, would I be able to handle the position well? Will I able to cope up with both the responsibilities of being a Samagraha and the King at the same time? But before all of that, I have to bring Tyrell back. He was struggling, living with a murderer and I have to save him. I was right when I made allegation with myself that Nazira was a distraction to me. Even though I craved to have her in my arms, it was better to I keep my feelings for her aside and do what was more important- to save my friend and to save the people of Paramarashtra from Shashi.

These were my priorities.

Then there was this secret of mine. I didn't know if this was the right time, but if I delayed it further, there wasn't going to be any difference between me and my aunt or Doctor, who prefered keeping secrets rather than facing them. I took a long deep sigh deciding to deal with whatever the consequences break through and went ahead to the guest room in search for them.

The door of the room was unlocked and I doubted if they had left it open unknowingly. I pushed the door slightly but before I walked in, I noticed them engrossed in a serious talk.

"Pruthvi, what's wrong with you?" Leena was asking, sitting down on the floor and placing her hand on his knees, "I haven't seen you so much devastated lately."

"Leena we are about to go to a funeral," said Pruthvi, seated in a chair looking away. "How am I supposed to be?"

"You were acting like this since you met Zarina Khan," she said, "The way you tortured Tyrell, I thought you were going to be polite with him. It was so much unlike you. Please tell me what's going on?"

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat