21.1 The Builder

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"NO! YOU CANNOT GO ANYWHERE!" King Aghasthya shouted, "Not today, not tomorrow, not until next two weeks!"

"Two weeks?! That's ridiculous!" Leena snarled.

Pruthvi, sitting quietly on his bed, was trying to overcome his restless agitation. He was wringing his hands and biting his lips, doing everything he could at the moment to suppress his urges to burst out.

This was going on for an hour. The argument between Leena and her grandfather was getting out of control, with no possible solution to be found in the end. Growing insanely nervous, he looked up at King Aghasthya's hand holding the white sheet of a legal notice they had received that morning from none other than the higher officials of the Panchayat.

A shocking and indispensable news had found their way early in the very morning, in the form of an indirect hindrance for Pruthvi and Leena to get along with their plan they had made the day before. Doctor, as per his token of affirmation that he would take care of Shourya's men caught during the chaos at the wedding, had turned into something completely unexpected.

He had naively handed them over to none other than the King of Narula Dynasty-Bhupati Garg.

The notice given to them was in detail, stating that the King had imprisoned the wedding intruders and after several hours of third-degree interrogation, one of the prisoners had disclosed that the next attack planned by Rahu Kerenza was nowhere else but in Sharad Dynasty, with an intention to destroy the whole kingdom. In addition, they also came to know through the notice that the attack was going to happen before the closing of the Fest.

According to Doctor's report to the Panchayat, written specifically in the notice, the current generation Formation Samagraha were certified as disciplined and trained enough to access, protect and sustain the government system through any means of crisis. Pruthvi and Leena had shared a puzzled and an apprehensive glance at this particular part- the certain kind of admiration from Doctor came to them as a jolt.

But undoubtedly, Panchayat was disappointed in them, in Pruthvi Krishna and Leena Savant- the two Samagraha present on the day of celebrations. They had failed to capture Rahu Kerenza when the opportunity had come knocking. And now they were given the second chance to prove their skills. At this point of time, if under any circumstances, they failed to reach expectations, they might have to give a careful and plausible explanation in writing, or in an extreme condition, a case shall be booked against them followed by a reasonable punishment.

Pruthvi had immediately checked his own pulse, feeling his blood pressure imploding an extra weight to his drumming heart.

"I have had enough of yours and Doctors' reasonings," said King Aghasthya, shrilly with a raised voice, "Now you will do exactly as I tell you to do."

"And what is that actually supposed to be?" Leena demanded.

"You will stay here, in Sharad, round the clock. And when Tyrell... "

"Do you think Tyrell is a fool? He lost his emotions, not his intelligence. Will he not know that we have already found out about his plans? And even if he hasn't, don't forget that Jyran Kerenza is still alive who is extremely near and dear to Shashi."

"What is your point?"

"I have been trying to tell you since an hour that it useless to wait for Tyrell to show by himself when we know how and where to find him. Why can't you just trust us?"

"And what if he hasn't changed his plan?" King asked, "What if he is already here, waiting for you two to be gone and then rise the death toll. No, I cannot take the risk."

"But Mr King," Pruthvi finally spoke up making Leena realise that he was still part of the conversation, "What if the month ends and Tyrell doesn't show up? Will not Panchayat think we are delaying our plans to find him?"

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now