28.3 Gate 10- Hunt High and Low

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I was walking in the free empty land recollecting my day before's moments I had greatly relished. And the conversation Nazira and I had before we retired to the hut was probably the best and the most effective since we entered this world.

"I am really glad I came with you," Nazira had said, "These realms, you giving me a voice I never had, this complete month with you...I would have missed everything if you never brought me here."

"You do realize we are still not out of danger, right? There is still a possibility where I might fail..."

"I don't want to think about it. Today, as of now, I am happy. That is all I care."

I changed my route and ambled along the rows amidst the huge sunflowers plants. Mithuna had mentioned my challenge might begin the very day. I was just trying to stay aloof since past few hours, only with an intention to get back to the job that still needed a conclusion. And the main reason, the predominantly difficult part of the job hasn't even begun yet.

Differentiating was getting difficult. I had no idea what time of the day or night it was. I felt as if I was going through a jet-lag. Everything -the air, the plantation and the stars around the moon, were stock-still. The moon always hung in the sky, radiating round the clock. I wished the day's challenge to end soon and so the coming up one. Because I was getting impatient to see the following Constellia. He might have refused to meet me in my universe, but now that I was here, by all means necessary, I craved for some answers, especially to know why he had chosen to backstab without even giving me a chance.

I snapped my fingers quite a few times just to see him scintillating in my hand.

I waited for several more minutes, sitting down on the land, staring at the vibrant full moon. Apart from getting restlessly eager to meet Singh, there were others I wanted to see. I deliberately shifted my mind to think of Pruthvi and Leena. I had to blame on my curious mentality, but I badly wanted to know what was going on with them. Did they had a chance to meet Tyrell? Was I going to see him as soon as Nazira and I returned? If that happened, then maybe I would tell him that he was right all along. That Nazira was indeed the girl he had been always suspecting of me falling for.

"Ahoy, Hayden Mackay!" I finally heard the man's voice and it was such a relief. "What are you doing all alone? Where's the girlfriend?"

He made an appearance right through one of the rows of the plantation, with the woman by his side stick to him thoroughly, as if they were one single person.

"Well, she is engaged in something else." I replied, "And hey, she not my girlfriend!

The couple glanced at each other and laughed humorously Probably they found my expression too comical.

"Do you think we haven't seen you yesterday?" The woman asked.

"Well," I said, and swallowed hard. Do I really want to have this conversation with them? "So is it time?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes, it is," said the man, his voice turning hoarse, "Give me your stone.".

The woman stood like a model, with one hand around the man's waist and other over her hip. She suddenly looked etched and grave. That look of hers worried me a little. "My stone?" I asked, frowning.

"Yes. Come on, take it out." The man pressurized extending his hand towards me.

I was unsure of my own reaction, uncertainty welling up on me. But then the Constellia wouldn't be saying it unless it was a part of the challenge, would they? Unable to make up my mind, I simply went ahead and took it out- the Cornelian that twinkled mockingly at me. I immediately handed it to the man and he, to my shock, chucked it hard deep into the plantation.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now