38.1 Priorities

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Never before in the history had Paramarashtrians closed the Fest of Vrindahina with a cremation ceremony, as per King Aghasthya's generalization.

Two days later, the alarming news of Doctor's demise became sensational and exaggerated a little bit more that the culprit was none other Rahu Kerenza-the recent intermittent events were leading to such statements. Although, to some extent, Sharad had made overnight attempts to pass the news through official high-pitched messengers, as in the country they were called Harakara, who carried the word of mouth.

However, this attempt later became necessary. It was a common knowledge that any news or rumour, if broken out in any corner of the country, went through door to door like a wildfire, reaching before a Harakara did. Just as in we came to hear from Dhanunjay that there had been a chaos and rampage among the members of Panchayat. All the kings. ministers and the head of every village called Sarpanch were infuriated about Ashwant Veer becoming the next master of Diamond. They weren't able to accept a person from an unofficial clan owning the most powerful stone. No one knew, including both Naag and Ashwant, how this could have happened.

"Maybe you are his own son!" Pruthvi had suggested.

"No, I am not!" Ashwant had replied, enraged, "How many times do I have to tell you? I know who my original parents are."

This had shut us up and we never cared to bother him again with this newly born confusion.

Pruthvi, Leena and I were staying in the guest bedroom of the Sharad's palace. We had a lot to catch up especially with their month full of horrific experiences. Pruthvi explained to me his ability. Maybe I should have guessed it at the beginning when Shourya specifically told me that Pruthvi was the first Samagraha to possess and sustain with double kinetic powers. He was unique in this matter and our uniqueness was our ability. Just like how I was called the Fire of Vengeance.

He moved on giving me an explanation about how and why he had confronted Zarina Khan and how ingeniously he made her divulge Shashi's mysterious personality. It was indeed shocking to know that he was capable to transfer his soul from one body to another. But then I was satisfied that this piece of information solved the mystery behind the painting hung in Rawat's court.

The remorse of killing a person was clearly seen in Pruthvi's face. It was understandable on his part, for we both went through the same situation.

"Look," I said, "The last thing Doctor ever asked me to do is it to wholeheartedly take up the responsibilities of a Samagraha. And I think we should honour his commitment towards the citizens. You killed Zarina Khan and in return, you saved a million. One such sacrifice is worth it."

For the moment, he nodded obeying my statement, but it felt as though he was still going through an emotional distress he wouldn't want to share.

Nazira disclosing about my grandmother came next, followed by why the women were the biggest target in Paramarashtra. King Agasthya might not have taken an extreme step against the powerful King of Madhyakshetra yet, but only for Leena's sake, he insisted Lithika stay with him in his palace for a few days until he sorted out what had to be done with the monsters showing reverence to Almourah. Leena and Lithka weren't in the best of their terms but she was happy, that atleast Lithika would be safe staying in front of her eyes.

The biggest shocking news among us was about the Codicil. Pruthvi was first taken aback but then he surprised me stating that it was meant to happen. Leena on the other hand, even though glad for the people of Rawat, wasn't able to handle it well. She was scared for me, she cried for me, she was afraid that Shashi might never stop hunting me down until he saw me dead. I wasn't worried about the future, not currently at the most but her concern towards me was highly appreciable.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now