21.2 The Builder

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The next few days, while patrolling, Pruthvi and Leena tried to talk to as many people as they can about the Temple. Surprisingly the answer has been unvarying- the temple was haunted. And there were also being warned, probably suspecting their intention, that even after being familiar with this fact if still anyone tried to go inside, it can only mean that they were just looking for death.

Apparently, Pruthvi and Leena belonged to those section of people who believed the different story. Dhanunjay and everyone else in the village were just exaggerating it a bit more. It was just a bogus. They were stubborn enough to change their plan now. Waiting for more than ten days had more or less made their determination to find Tyrell stronger. And one of the reasons to stick to their plan was that it was none other than Shourya who had asked them to pay a visit.

Besides talking and seeking information, they have been utilizing their time to make their formations far better. Leena especially was sick of being unproductive unless there was a large body of water around. Doctor had explained to her once, about how he performing Aquakinesis at the times required. He had stated that it depends on the immense amount of energy and concentration to generate water out of the earth, and she would be able to do it only when circumstances allowed her to. Leena practised it hard, day and night, Pruthvi helping her to succeed this very incredible Formation. And when she finally mastered it, Pruthvi realised that he and his girlfriend were actually a perfect team.

It was probably the day thirteen, and there was still no sign from Tyrell. It seemed like Leena was winning the debate whether Tyrell did or did not change his plans. But on Pruthvi's request, she gave up on arguing with her grandfather regarding it anymore.

On the day that marked the end of their curfew, Pruthvi and Leena formally asked permission from King Aghasthya to kindly let them take over this ever-delaying job and to do it in their own way. They still had to give a careful and intelligent explanation that they had gathered information about Tyrell's possible locations. Aghasthya listened to them carefully and finally gave his nod. In addition to it, he mentioned that he might arrange a meeting with King Bhupathi Garg, to discuss why they were given wrong information that delayed to search the current menacing troublemaker. Pruthvi and Leena couldn't care less about it. They just requested and received what they wanted- Freedom.

Pruthvi made sure the items his bag was carrying the items they specifically need on their journey.  He had no idea for how long they were going to be gone and just to be extra careful, they asked for dozens of bread packets. The possibilities of having a dreaded fight were Tyrell at some point of time were so high, no matter if it took months or years to find him. But he felt the fight with him was imminent. And if so happened, he just couldn't let his hunger to become his weak point and lose like it had happened with Hayden.

Hardik was resting beside his bag. It was quiet and in the right form, now that it has been a while since it has sensed any danger. He dumped it in. The last item that Pruthvi was indecisive to take with him was the envelope with a pack of Rupals. He wasn't sure if he needed it, they barely might have time to go shopping. But only for Hayden's sake, he dropped it in his bag.

Thinking about his friend made him mentally check the calendar and his heart began to race. It was September the tenth. In probably in next three or four days, he was going to see his best friends with his sister returning from the Parallel universe and he knew in heart that they were going to return safe and sound.

Pruthvi and Leena were finally off. It took them less than a couple of hours to travel northbound, towards Rawat. Hardik had never flown with such a tremendous speed before, thanks to the perfect weather. When it finally began to descend, Pruthvi looked down, and he found himself scanning the chains of hills, with slight melting snow at the top. On flying a little further down, he noticed a sandy-floored oval shaped enormous ground, exactly in the middle of the set of hills. It was as big as the amphitheatre they had been to in Machyakshetra. At the base of the hill, surrounding the ground, there were many small cottages with iron rooftops, each attached to another, constructed all around at the circumference of the theatre.

Flying a few miles above the ground, Hardik started to revolve in the same spot, probably locating a fine place to land. Pruthvi and Leena studied Rawat's marketplace-Daulat Haat. It looked extremely busy with people rushing around all the corners of the market. They remembered Shourya telling them that Shashi and his men have given this one month of freedom to the people to live a casual life. And it looked like the citizens were using this time to buy years worth of household stuff.

"Alright, I think we are here," Pruthvi said gazing down intently at the dense forest they were now crossing.

There was a pleasant breeze and it wafted a strong scent towards them that made Pruthvi sneezed repeatedly. The strong smell was coming from the golden flowers bloomed all over the Vrindahina trees covering the hill. Pruthvi could even smell Leena's excitement when she stared down with an open-mouthed smile.

"Ooo, it's beautiful," she cried, in excitement, "It's so going to make my hair extra shine!"

She gasped and shut her mouth quickly, realizing in what sense she had blabbed, although unwilling. She blushed too deeply and glanced inquiringly at Pruthvi feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't afford to look back at her, not that he didn't want to. He just kept pretending to watch the forest they were passing by. He was against to talk about it and lend her with a hint that he himself was seeking for the right time to pop the question.

They finally landed at the safe place, in the middle of a grove of trees that provided them with a dim shade. They hurriedly stepped out from it, with an eager anticipation to meet their friend. Pruthvi, looking around at this forest immediately rolled the carpet up, dumped it in his bag pulling it up.

The sudden cool wind startled them. Pruthvi had to shut his nose, for the scent was making his stomach churn. They found a narrow pavement leading them towards the sealed temple. The plates with bold letters written on it- 'No trespassing, restricted area, violators will be prosecuted' signs did not threaten them to follow the lead.

"That looks like the entrance," Leena said, looking pointedly aside. "And who is he?"

Pruthvi followed her gaze and looked around at giant metal and narrow gate entrance. Right beside it stood a sculpture of a man, carved perfectly with the cement and painted beautifully with every minute details on a stone.

They walked closer to study the archaic statue. The man seemed to be short and disabled with one leg broken off and holding a thick stony walking stick for the support. His long face was carved to look rather eerie, with skin sagging. His long shoulder length hair falling from sides of his face. His eyes topped to make his face look scarier. One of his eyes were big and bulgy, eyeball popping out, and another closed with a piece of cloth hung down by a string tied around his forehead.

Leena walked ahead and leaned over to read the label attached to the alabaster stone beneath the statue. Pruthvi, having a certain vague notion about the man, studied her expression carefully. Her eyes instantly widened and then dropped her mouth.

"Oh my god!" She gasped stepping back, lifting her hand to hold her boyfriend, "Pruthvi, it isn't about Tyrell!"

She walked closer to him and hugged him tight, her shoulders shaking. But who could have possibly known that Pruthvi himself was under a slight panic attack reading the label.

Sir Bhagwad El Sayed
Dakshinpur, Paramarashtra (1067 CE -1489 CE),
The Builder of The Temple of Chandrika,
The First Emerald user of Paramarashtra.

"Gain the power, Gain the respect!" 

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now