4.1 Breaking Revolt

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The previous day was indeed a special one.

Certainly it was Doctor’s plan to let me have everything I could, for one whole day, and that was to have the company of my own family with me.

The whole evening we spent nearby the lake. Taking the advantage of some privacy we talked everything I had missed in past one year of my old life. My friends from school, the member’s of my mother’s fundraising club and my dad's colleagues-it seemed the news that broke about me had really sensationalized among fine number of people.

It was peaceful to spend the time with her. She was talking about everything in the world, being very careful to not mention anything about Shourya. I wondered if she really cared about him anymore. How was it possible that she didn't want to know how he and I had met in first place. I couldn't handle the wait anymore and I told her firmly.

“Aunt just because we are okay, doesn't mean I forgot what I asked of you. You still need to fix things with Shourya.”

Although my aunt accepted my wish, I knew her apology wasn't going to alter his life. He was still going to possess Thereokinesis. He was still going to work under Shashi, and he was still going to do what he always desired to do.

The next day routine started with the forty minutes of silent yoga session. It was too silent comparatively, none of the breaking Samagraha, except Anila Vanderwal, our yoga instructor, seemed to be energetic enough. But I was just the opposite from inside.

It was the day for Doctor to give us the job. Breakfast was only in the way. My aunt was waiting for me in my room, we had decided to go for it together. She was having her own plans though. I hated Doctor’s decision to send her back to her birth place, I felt it wasn't safe for her there. But after knowing her condition, and talking to her in detail, it seemed she was left with no other choice.

Taking a quick shower I found myself walking down the corridor to enter my room. I was too keen to hurry up, to finish eating. Just shove everything in mouth and fill your stomach, I told myself, and ask Leena and Pruthvi to do the same.


I slowed down on my tracks, slightly startled with the sudden interference to my thoughts. I just had held the knob of my room to open it, that a cool breeze hit my cheeks and ruffled my hair.

Setting my hair straight, I looked around all across the corridor. It was dimly lit as always, fire in the lanterns burning still and my room being the last one, I found none of the members present outside. Last thing I saw was Naomika entering Leena’s room and that was it.


“Who is there?” I shouted spontaneously, now turning around to face it.

The wind was same as the one I had felt two night ago. Surely it didn't seem a coincidence to feel it twice. I even checked on the lanterns once again, and it was too unnatural for the fire in the lanterns to not to lit off.

Not hearing any reply on my call, my suspicion grew and I began concentrating on my stone, taking a step ahead. My instant suspect was Jyran Kerenza who had been easily entering the academy using the Gates. Only thinking about him boiled my blood. Was he here now? Was anyone from Clan of Maya here? Tyrell? Wasn't Ira’s protection working anymore?

I blinked, losing my concentration when the door of my room suddenly opened, letting my aunt walk out.

“Hayden, shall we go?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied, with a low voice, still watching the empty corridor keenly, “let's go.”

Stepping inside the lobby, I again froze on the spot. None of the Samagraha were present in here yet, not even Pruthvi and Leena. The only person sitting, caressing her pets’ wings was Nazira Khan. My heart somersaulted on seeing her without prior preparation. Having breakfast with her, without Pruthvi and Leena around, although seemed a great idea, I wasn't yet ready for it.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now