4.2 Breaking Revolt

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We had our breakfast in silence for few minutes. Then as my anger slowly subdued, and diverted my mind from thinking about her anymore, I realised  Pruthvi and Leena haven't come out of their rooms yet. It was even more surprising that neither Doctor, nor Ira and any of the Breaking Samagraha came over for the morning meal.

When my aunt was done eating, I asked her to be in my room till Doctor called her. It has been a long time and I wondered why they weren't coming out of their room. I waited for few more minutes, eating my food as slowly as possible and when I was about to contact Pruthvi to ask what he was stuck doing at, he with Leena finally showed themselves.

“Hayden!” Leena squealed, walking over taking huge quick steps, “We are so busted.”

Pruthvi sat on the chair beside me, and put his hand at the backrest of my chair, “You can never imagine what just happened.”

I stared at him, slightly worried if he had seen Nazira crying, or if she had told him anything against me.

“Er, okay,” I said trying to be uncertain. “What is it about?”

“Breaking news about Breaking Samagraha,” he said, his voice filled with tremors, “They know.”

“Know what?”

“Hayden, they know about Paramarashtra,” finished Leena.

“What?” I exploded, my head swinging to whole one-eighty degrees. “But how?”

“Their Constellia,” Pruthvi answered, “They blabbed.”

My mouth fell instantly. Before I could react anymore, Leena continued, “Naomika burst into my room an hour ago.  She was so angry that she didn't even give me a chance to explain, not that I had a pinch of an idea of what I could tell her though.”

“Yeah,” said Pruthvi, “and so did Maahir and…”

“Wait a second,” I said, unable to move my head like a tennis ball between both of them “One by one. Naomika first. What did she say?”

Leena quickly answered, “She said Doctor and we, formation Samagraha I mean, have been betraying them, that they lost parents too and they deserve to know the truth, blah, blah, blah…”

“Well,” I said, shrugging, “She is right, isn't she? They do deserve to know.”

“What do you mean?” she demanded, her brow knitting.

“Look, this was suppose to happen one day and too bad the day arrived before Doctor could tell them on his own. They lost their parents too, they do deserve to know about their family background.”

“Hayden,” Pruthvi said, “We are not worrying about that, we are worried about what’s going to happen now. It has been too hard for us to not to let them break into our minds and know stuff, but I guess not anymore.”

“Yeah,” Leena said backing him, “All seven of them are talking to Doctor, right now. I think we are not going to see him today.”

I stared at her, stunned.

“Not see him today?” I exclaimed, “But he is supposed to give us our jobs.”

“We got to postpone it till tomorrow,” said Pruthvi, “Tyrell needs to wait for one more day.”

I swallowed, tightening my jaw. One more day seemed like a lifetime. Then my mind wandered to a different fact. Even after I had informed Pruthvi that Doctor wasn't keen on sending us to bring Tyrell back, that he had something else in his mind, Pruthvi was adamant that it was surely going to about our search for Tyrell. He, like me, must have forgotten about Shashi and his confusing appearance. Of course, how was I supposed to blame him, Tyrell was more important than Shashi.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now