Chapter 24

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"I-I'm.... I'm a little, Sebastian..... I-I hope it doesn't change what you think of me but i-it showed itself yesterday so I just...." He blushed and bit his lip, hoping the other wasn't angry or uncomfortable. He remained silent for a moment, and Ciel couldn't read his facial expression. "I-I can leave if you want me to....". Still, the man remained quiet, tears threatened to spill from the boy's eyes.
"Maybe you should leave...." He said quietly, looking to the side. Ciel's voice caught in his throat as the tears began to flow down his cheeks. They were hot as he readied himself to stand up. The amount of shame and hurt he felt was unbearable, but that's alright, it never mattered before. He knew he should have stayed quiet, passed it off as a sex kink instead. He really liked Sebastian, it was obvious before and now he ruined what probably would have been his best relationship. The longest one he ever had lasted for about 6 months while everyone around him had 5 year relationships. He whimpered softly and stood up, beginning to walk away quickly. Everyone was probably staring, giving him the routine sympathetic looks. He was about to walk faster before he was suddenly yanked back, landing onto the man's lap and his waist being hugged tightly. "You should leave.... And skip back over here like the little boy you are...." He chuckled softly at the end. That was, until he noticed the tears rolling down the blunette's face. He frowned and quickly became worried. "Oh my god, Ciel! I'm sorry, I didn't know I hesitated that long!" He apologized, hugging his BabyBoy closer to his chest.
"Y-You big dummy....! That hurt!" He whimpered softly and cuddled into the muscular chest, feeling the outline of his abs through the thin T-shirt. He felt a hand press against his back before it began rubbing soothing circles on his back.
"I know.... I'm sorry Baby, I am a dummy...." He whispered, kissing the now flushed cheek of the one in front of him.
"You are.... B-But what I was gonna ask before..... W-Will..... Will...." He pouted at the fact that he couldn't finish his sentence, crossing his arms across his chest tightly. "Will..... You be my Daddy...?" He finally mumbled. His words were small and timid as he looked down, avoiding the crimson eyes that always seemed to put him in a trance. Sebastian chuckled softly at this question, grabbing the boy's chin between his index finger and thumb before capturing the smaller, trembling lips in a passionate and deep kiss. Their lips molded together perfectly, the smaller's cheeks turned the same color as the raven's eyes as they slowly parted. He trailed after the larger lips momentarily before catching himself then burying his face back into his Daddy's chest.
"You know what? Screw this fancy dinner, we're going shopping."

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