Chapter one

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Before we start, I wanna do a little shoutout to my another m.j. fanfiction called [SS Chicora 1895]. DO VOTE FOR IT.

Michael's POV

"Get off of the bed you lazy lil thing," I felt a pillow hitting the back of my head continuosly, "Sun is up, get up get up!"

"Five more minutes Jackie." I turned to the another side of the bed, wrapping the blankets around me tightly.

"Mike, get up. Mother is taking us to somewhere," here comes Tito, dragging my blanket away and I cover my eyes. "Somewhere you like." I feel him smirking as I open my eyes and jump up excited.

"Where? Disneyland?! An amusement park? A-" I stopped as I saw Mother went in, she gave me the kindest smile.

"You'll know it when we get there," She patted my head "go wash yourself, everyone is waiting for you."

I went to prepare myself as fast as possible, for some reason I'm really excited. This is one of the most excited days in my 15 years of life.

"I'm done I'm done!" I rushed down to the living room and see everyone waiting for me.

"What took you so long, Mike? You were always the early one." Marlon spoke up

"You guys were early! It's just freaking 7 in the morning!" I slightly raised my voice, well maybe they'll get the point that I was pissed for waking me up that early.

"Michael Joseph, watch your language." LaToya crossed her arms and sighed playfully at me.

"Let's go now, I bet someone might be very excited right now." Mother smirks at me and I giggled.

It was a 30 minute trip, my sleepy-ass mood made me fell asleep again.

"Michael, honey. Wake up.." she gave me a smile and kissed my cheek. I remained quiet and stared at her, she had wavey chocolate hair and a pair of dreamy eyes. The feel of her lips in my cheek was so damn good. She took my chin and ran her hand over my hair, which is curly? I took a look at myself, I was an adult. I wonder what I look like and who was she.

I tried to stand up, she pushed me back down to the bed and laid herself ontop of me, "Where do you think you're going?" She was laying on my chest and playing with my hair. Was she my girlfriend? Who was she? I didn't dare to ask her name.

"Michael.. Michael!"

"I'm back!" I woke up, Jackie's hand was at my shoulder, shaking me.

"Finally, we're here." He opened the door of the car and I hopped out, I looked around the surroundings.

A hospital? Really? I was expecting much more than this. I look to Jackie with a confused eye.

"You'll get to entertain with kids there! Isn't that fun?" Tito's hand behind my back, pushing me forwards.

I forced a fake smile, "yeah, that sounds good."

The paparazzi was everywhere! How did they know we are coming here and I didn't even have a clue I'm going to be here?

"Marlon! Look here!", "Tito!", "Michael! Michael Jackson!"

Yeah paparazzi, my other siblings weren't giving a damn fuck to them and just walked through while me and Janet were greeting everyone, waving and blowing kisses.

We were all given some gifts from Mother, for giving to some patients, me and Janet were going to the same place together.

We went to the children section, there were many kids. Boys, girls, black or white, any kind. Some were having their parents around and some were just laying there.

"You and I, must make a pact. We must bring, salvation back..." I was singing to every children there. Most of them were clapping their hands, cheering and many things. Well I still can't get away from girls, yeah, the girls.

Talking about girls, one of them caught my eye. She was alone, laying at the hospital bed and not moving. That's special.

I managed to get through the crowd and walk over to her, one of her eyeballs looked right at me and one didn't.

...That's so creepy.

She was so familiar to me, we didn't met for sure, but I swear I saw her somewhere. Her wavy chocolate hair and her dreamy eyes, they resembles the woman I saw in my dreams...

"Hey there." I sat at the chair beside her and gave her a warm smile.

She reached her hand to the small table beside her, there was a pen and a paper, she started writing something.

I grew knowledge, she was a right handed girl.

"Hey, Mr. Jackson." Those words were written in the paper, I smiled at her.

I'm just 15 and people be calling me 'Mister', that's funny.

"Call me Michael, and you are?" I softly moved her baby hair away and smiled.

She started writing, and the paper shows : "Ivory Floyd.. 13.."

"Why are you here?" That's actually so straight foward, can't she talk? That's actually so pity of her, a 13 year old pretty face who couldn't talk.

"Apoplexia." The paper shows.

Woah, Apoplexia. So she can only move half of her body, that's why she couldn't speak...

"I'm sorry for you, going through this, I really am..."

"No need to, Michael. This is fate, all of us ended up a way for a reason." She wrote in the paper and tried to crack a smile on the right side of her face.

"How can I help you with your disease?" I truly wanted to help her, I can't tolerate such a precious girl going through this, she needs to stand up and enjoy her life.

She started writing again, "No Michael, you don't need to. I told you everyone is ended up a way for a reason, so this is my fate. We all are going to die one day.. I guess mine are earlier." I read her words in her beautiful handwriting, tears starting to stream down my cheek. Poor thing...

She reached her right hand and wiped my tear away, she used her finger and started writing something in my arm.

"Don't cry, Michael." That was what she was trying to write, I think.

"I want to help you, Ivory." I said as she shook her head.

The next thing I know was her trying to speak. "M-Mi-C-Cha-ael, y-you do-don't-"

She was struggling to speak, I can't tolerate this, I just can't.

"Stop, stop forcing yourself, girl. You're going to go through this," I took her left hand and slightly squeezing it, although she can't feel it. Tears were streaming down from her eyes to her rose red cheeks. I wiped them away, "stay strong for me?"

She tried to nod her head, and she closes her eyes. Drifting away to sleep.

I need to do something for her to feel better.

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