Chapter six

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Michael's POV

After Ivory and her friend left, I also went back to my own place.

"Did she call?" I ask Bill who is beside me in the limo.

"No, Michael, she didn't." He replied me calmly, "You don't need to ask me every five minutes though Mike."

"It's just... I don't wanna miss it..." I look back down to the ground, playing with my fingers.

We reached back home, I went into my room and lay on my bed, tired like hell.

As I was almost to fall asleep, the god damn phone finally decided to ring, I ran to the phone with full speed and pick it up.

"Hi?" I greeted, panickly. Hoping it is Ivory.

"Hey Michael..." her sweet smooth voice coming out from the phone, it is her.

"Hey Ivory," I scratched my head, god what should I say now?  "So..."

"Yeah Michael?" Her voice toltaly kills me, I had to come up with something.

"So... Where do you live now?" I decided to ask her, well I just wanted to meet her.

"About that," I could feel her gulped through the phone, "I'm leaving America."

I could feel my heart breaking into pieces like glass. She is leaving? Why is she leaving? Can't she stay? Where is she going?

"Why..?" I asked as tears started to form in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks like a damn waterfall.

"I- We can still keep in touch! I can call you, right Michael?"

"I asked you a question, Ivory. Why are you leaving?" I wipe my tears away and spoke, trying to be calm.

"I'm going to my grandparent's house, it isn't in America. I have no one to take care of me here. I mean- I don't have any relatives here, my aunt and cousin is coming with me too." She explained.

The only thing I know is just my heart shattered into pieces and tears coming out of my eyes. Can't she just stay?

"Where are you going?"

"Michael... I'll call you everyday, okay? I'm not going to forget you. You're like the biggest star on earth and I can see you everyday on the tv! Right? After all, you are the one who took care of me these years."

I guess she isn't going to answer me. She knows I'm going to try to go to her. Well, I understand, I think.

"I hate you. You freaking abandoned me, just like everyone else. Bye Ivory." After I finished my words, I hung up the phone and threw it across the room.

Hate, no I don't hate her... I would never hate her, I can't tolerate this. 'I dont have anyone to take care of me here', what am I? Who am I to her? Doesn't she enjoy my company? Why must I always be the one to get hurt. My only best friend that I truly love, I treated her like my little sister.

...I'm such a fool.

Ivory's POV

"Aren't you excited? We're going to grandma's! God I miss her cookies, they are the best!" That's my cousin Andre, he has to let everyone know he is excited huh?

"Ivory honey, why are you so depressed?" My aunt Jenna decided to speak up.

"I don't wanna leave here, Aunt Jen... I want to stay here, why can't I?" I look out of the window of the plane.

"You just wanna stay here because of that Michael guy right?" Aunt Jen looked at me with serious eyes and she crossed her arms, "Ivy, how many times I have to tell you today? You'll make plenty more friends when we reach Sydney, maybe that Michael Jackson would forget you already afyer a week. He's a celebrity, he has plenty of friends and admirers, he-"

"Enough," I placed my index finger on her lips gently "you're not helping.", she stayed quiet.

The plane started taking off, just in a few minutes we are already flying, in the clouds! I've never been in a plane, I kept watching the land up here, what a view.

The plane stabled, we can't see any land in this height. I guess this is it, bye America,

... Bye Michael.


Sorry but this chapter is kinda short, I'm sleepy af sksksk. The next one will be better, I swearrrrrr. This has only 700+ words omlll so less😐
I'll try to make it more than 2000 in the next chapters, more than the previous ones.

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