Chapter twenty-nine

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Ivory's POV
14th January 1988

"Rockabye baby, in the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock." Michael sang, his head laying on top of my belly and his hands rubbing it. "How you doing in there Michael Junior?" He said as he planted a kiss on my belly.

"Michael little Ivory is doing okay." I giggled, running my hand over his curls. "You should get some sleep, you have a performance tomorrow night and a flight tomorrow morning."

"Aww okay." He cooed, "night Michael Junior."

"Little Ivory said goodnight to you too." I chuckled.

Michael turned off the lamp beside our bed, covering the blankets and immediately wrapping me in his arms. His hands rested on my belly. Our little baby Jackson...

The next day, 15th January 1988
Kansas City

We got off the plane, coming into a big crowd of people. Fans, spectators and everything was awaiting for Michael.

He blew kisses everywhere, saying "I love you" to everyone. How sweet is he? His other hand was never leaving my belly, that made every spectator question us.

"Why is your hand on her stomach, Mr. Jackson?", "Is she pregnant?", "Michael..."

Michael giggled. He nodded at them. I swear their reaction is even crazier than the baby's own parents.

Later that night.

"How do I look?" Michael asked me, wearing his silver outfit and a jacket, his official Bad Tour outfit.

"Outstanding Michael, perfect." I replied as I adjusts his curls.

"Is there something wrong with my hair? How about-" I kissed him in the lips before he could say anything else, he really needs to appreciate himself for once.

"You're perfect Michael." I complimented him as our lips parted. "Now go for the show, don't leave your fans hanging." Michael nodded, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he went onstage.

I was in backstage, watching at Michael performing. He started off with 'Wanna be startin' something'. I swear he made so many girls faint already.

At this moment, I got a tap on the shoulder. As I turned around, Tatiana was standing behind me with another man. The man covered a handkerchief on my nose and the last thing I knew was, I fainted.

Michael's POV

I came backstage to change as I am going to perform 'Workin' Day and Night' right now.

"Ivory..." I called out, there was no response. "Ivory baby where are you?" I called out again.

I had to admit, I am panicing, where could she go? She'd never leave here.

"Ivory stop playing with me where are you?" I yelled, loud.

Karen came to me, she was worried and catching her breathe. "M-Michael! Ivory... she- she's missing!"

"Along with Tatiana, we have no clue for where they went..." Bill continued.

"What?! She's missing?! How can you lost a 26 year old woman?!" I exclaimed. "I'll find her." I protested, walking out of the building. Frank stopped me and said : "Michael you have a show going on! You can't just leave like that!"

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